Árvore de páginas

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Basic Path

01. Access fluig as the user wcmadmin.

02. In the main menu, click Control panel.

03. Press the tab WCM.

04. Click System settings.

05. Add the required information in the tab Portal.

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Required information:

Portal URL
Base URL from which to access the platform.

06. Click on the Authentication tab and set the required information.

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Required information:

Enable integrated authentication
When checked, it determines that the integration with the Windows operating system is active, that is, it allows the users registered in the Active Directory – directory deployment service that stores object data in computer networks and provides it to users – to access fluig without manually entering their access data on the login screen, provided that such users have been previously authenticated in Windows.

Authentication script URL
IIS (Internet Information Services) server URL - where the remote authentication script will run. This field is enabled only when the option "Enable integrated authentication" is checked.

Authentication token
Token used to validate the integrity and security of integrated authentication requests. To generate a new token, press Generate new token on the right side of the field. This field is enabled only when the option "Enable integrated authentication" is checked.

AD server address
Active Directory server address in the following format: [Server]:[port]. This field is enabled only when the option "Enable integrated authentication" is checked.

Base DN
Base DN (Distinguished Name) to be used to add under which entry in Active Directory users for integrated authentication will be searched and validated. This field is enabled only when the option "Enable integrated authentication" is checked.

Domain user
Active Directory user that has enough privileges to read information on other users in the Active Directory. This field is enabled only when the option "Enable integrated authentication" is checked.

Domain user password. This field is enabled only when the option "Enable integrated authentication" is checked.

07. Click the tab Thumbnail and add the path to FFmpeg executable file, which is the application responsible for generating small versions of images and videos on fluig in order to make it easier to view and recognize that type of content.

08. Click on the Customization tab and add the required information.

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Required information:

Logo image URL (login page)
Logo image URL to be displayed on the login page on the Web platform.

Logo image URL (mobile login page)
Logo image URL to be displayed on the login page on the platform’s mobile application.

URL for Mobile rerouting
Page URL that is displayed when a user accesses fluig via a mobile browser and tells them that they can download its mobile application to access its features optimally. 

09. Click on the Platform parameters tab and add the required information.

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Required information:

Cache server address
Address of the caching server to be used in the following format: [host]: [port]. Available options:
 Local map;

All notifications via e-mail
When enabled, it determines that all notifications by e-mail will be sent with the sender added in the field "Sender’s e-mail address", both regarding the product (with user interaction) and the system. After you enable the feature, ON is displayed, indicating that the feature is active. When that feature is disabled, OFF is displayed.

Default sender
When enabled, it determines that notification e-mails will be sent by a default sender. When this feature is not enabled, the sender is the e-mail address that was set for the company. After you enable the feature, ON is displayed, indicating that the feature is active. When that feature is disabled, OFF is displayed.

Sender’s e-mail address
E-mail address to be considered as the default sender for sending notifications, when the option "Default sender" is enabled.

Name of the sender
Default sender’s name for sending notifications by e-mail when the option "Default sender" is enabled.

Open Office Directory
Directory where Open Office is.

Open Office ports
List of Open Office ports separated by comma.

License Server host
License Server address.

License server port
Port used by the License Server.

URL for receiving notifications
URL used for receiving notifications from the platform.

Internal URL for sending notifications
Internal URL used for sending notifications from the platform.

Solr directory
Directory where Solr is.

Solr in cluster
When enabled, it determines that the use of Solr in cluster is active. After you enable the feature, ON is displayed, indicating that the feature is active. When that feature is disabled, OFF is displayed.

Solr on separate server
When enabled, it determines that the use of Solr on a separate server is active. After you enable the feature, ON is displayed, indicating that the feature is active. When that feature is disabled, OFF is displayed.

URL to access Solr
URL used to access Solr.

FTP port
FTP port used for posting documents.

FTP port for private folders
Port used by FTP for posting in private folders.

Ports range used by FTP for posting and posts in private folders.

Digital signature
When enabled, it specifies that you can use a digital signature for documents. After you enable the feature, ON is displayed, indicating that the feature is active. When that feature is disabled, OFF is displayed.

PDF rendering engine
Name of the standard engine for rendering PDF documents on the platform.

10. Click Save.


Alternative Paths


Export authentication script


01. After you save the information entered for integrated authentication, click Export, in the lower right corner of the tab Authentication.

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The remote authentication script should be published on the IIS server. 

Edit system settings


01. Access fluig as the user wcmadmin.

02. In the main menu, click Control panel.

03. Press the tab WCM.

04. Click System settings.

05. Change the information of your choice.

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Once you change some parameters, restart the service platform. 

06. Click Save.



Speaking of system settings ...

This feature allows you to set the basic settings for the use of the platform.

You can set information on notifications, integrated authentication, viewing customization on fluig, use of a digital signature in documents, among others.