Árvore de páginas

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Speaking of sharing publication ...

Through this feature, you can share posts, articles, documents, pictures and videos available in communities or in users' wall.


Posts that belong to a hidden community can only be shared through its link.

Share a post


01. Trigger the sharing icon, located on the actions of the publication that you want to share.


05. Press Share; or Discard to withdraw from action, if desired.

Get Link to publication


01. Trigger the sharing icon, located on the actions of the publication for which you want the link.


titleLearn more

To activate this option, the link address for posting is copied to the Clipboard, allowing it to be shared on other sites, such as documents, tools, e-mails etc.

If the browser used does not support sending the URL to the clipboard, when pressing Copy link, a table is presented containing the selected link and it is necessary to press "Ctrl + C" to copy it effectively.

It is possible that some users cannot view the contents for which the link directs due to access permissions. 

View publication Shares


01. On the actions of the publication from which to view the shares, triggering the frame that contains the number of times that the publication was shared, located on the sharing icon.
