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<div id="main-content" class="wiki-content group">
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					<tr style='height: 20.0px'>
						<td class="oc-0" rowspan="1" colspan="5">INTEGRATION FLUIG,
							ERP and IDENTITY</td>
					<tr style='height: 20.0px'>
						<td class="oc-1">MODULE</td>
						<td class="oc-1">INTEGRATION TYPE</td>
						<td class="oc-1">ERP (no IDM) &lt;=> Fluig (no IDM)</td>
						<td class="oc-1">ERP &lt;=> Fluig + IDM</td>
						<td class="oc-1">ERP + IDM &lt;=> Fluig + IDM</td>
					<tr style='height: 160.0px'>
						<td class="oc-2">EDM</td>
						<td class="oc-2">SOAP</td>
						<td class="oc-3">1) Integrator user and password for
							authentication 2) CollegueId for business method</td>
						<td class="oc-3">1) Integrator user and password for
							authentication 2) CollegueId for business method</td>
						<td class="oc-3">1) Integrator user and password for
							authentication 2) ERP should carry out the following procedures
							to get the colleagueId on Fluig: - Query the user by e-mail on
							Fluig - Check whether the return is the internal registration of
							the ERP, and if not - Check whether the return is the IDP_ID of
							Identity - Send Fluig the ColleagueId according to information
							from the previous steps.</td>
					<tr style='height: 160.0px'>
						<td class="oc-2">WKF/BPM</td>
						<td class="oc-2">SOAP</td>
						<td class="oc-3">1) Integrator user and password for
							authentication 2) CollegueId for business method</td>
						<td class="oc-3">1) Integrator user and password for
							authentication 2) CollegueId for business method</td>
						<td class="oc-3">1) Integrator user and password for
							authentication 2) ERP should carry out the following procedures
							to get the colleagueId on Fluig: - Query the user by e-mail on
							Fluig - Check whether the return is the internal registration of
							the ERP, and if not - Check whether the return is the IDP_ID of
							Identity - Send Fluig the ColleagueId according to information
							from the previous steps.</td>
					<tr style='height: 20.0px'>
						<td class="oc-2">SOCIAL</td>
						<td class="oc-2">Public API (REST)</td>
						<td class="oc-4">1) Application user</td>
						<td class="oc-4">1) Application user</td>
						<td class="oc-4">1) Application user</td>
					<tr style='height: 40.0px'>
						<td class="oc-2">WCM</td>
						<td class="oc-2">Native schedule</td>
						<td class="oc-4">Fluig will standardize the technique to
							access external systems from a widget.</td>
						<td class="oc-4">Fluig will standardize the technique to
							access external systems from a widget.</td>
						<td class="oc-4">Fluig will standardize the technique to
							access external systems from a widget.</td>
					<tr style='height: 20.0px'>
						<td class="oc-5"></td>
						<td class="oc-5"></td>
						<td class="oc-1">REQUIREMENTS</td>
						<td class="oc-1">REQUIREMENTS</td>
						<td class="oc-1">REQUIREMENTS</td>
					<tr style='height: 140.0px'>
						<td class="oc-5"></td>
						<td class="oc-5"></td>
						<td class="oc-3">1) RM and Protheus - Execute the user
							synchronization wizard. The objective is to synchronize the
							registration field between ERP and Fluig 2) Logix - Configure the
							integration user 3) User's CollegueId must be the same on Fluig
							and ERP.</td>
						<td class="oc-3">1) RM and Protheus - Execute the user
							synchronization wizard. The objective is to synchronize the
							registration field between ERP and Fluig 2) Logix - Configure the
							integration user 3) User's CollegueId must be the same on Fluig
							and ERP.</td>
						<td class="oc-3">1) Create users on ERP and Fluig from
							provisioning via Identity.</td>
					<tr style='height: 20.0px'>
						<td class="oc-5"></td>
						<td class="oc-5"></td>
						<td class="oc-1">NOTES:</td>
						<td class="oc-1">NOTES:</td>
						<td class="oc-1">NOTES:</td>
					<tr style='height: 280.0px'>
						<td class="oc-5"></td>
						<td class="oc-5"></td>
						<td class="oc-3">1) The application user is created in the
							control panel of Fluig. Add an Oauth Provider type WCM. Add an
							Oauth App using the created provider. Select the Oauth App
							recently created and click the application user button. A token
							with permanent validity will be created for integration 2) We do
							not locate official documents from the user synchronization
							routine for Fluig on Datasul or Logix 3) We do not locate
							official documentation to consume WKF/BPM on the RM registered on
							the integration map.</td>
						<td class="oc-3">1) The application user is created in the
							control panel of Fluig. Add an Oauth Provider type WCM. Add an
							Oauth App using the created provider. Select the Oauth App
							recently created and click the application user button. A token
							with permanent validity will be created for integration 2) We do
							not locate official documentation to consume WKF/BPM on the RM
							registered on the integration map.</td>
						<td class="oc-3">1) The application user is created in the
							control panel of Fluig. Add an Oauth Provider type WCM. Add an
							Oauth App using the created provider. Select the Oauth App
							recently created and click the application user button. A token
							with permanent validity will be created for integration 2) The
							ECM 3.0 legacy databases will not have the registration field
							altered 3) We do not locate official documentation to consume
							WKF/BPM on the RM registered on the integration map.</td>
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