Árvore de páginas

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


To cancel registration in a training course, find it in the catalog or go to the My learning tab.



When pressing this option, the evaluation start window that corresponds to the pretest is displayed. For more information about the options available when answering a pretest, go to Answer evaluation.

This area is only displayed when the training has a pretest.



When pressing this option, the evaluation start window that corresponds to the posttest is displayed. For more information about the options available when answering a posttest, go to Answer evaluation.

This area is only displayed when the training has a posttest.

After the posttest is completed, if the training course does not have a reaction evaluation, it is automatically completed regardless of student status – i.e. whether the student passed or failed.



When pressing this option, the reaction evaluation start window is displayed. For more information about the options available when answering a reaction evaluation, go to Answer evaluation.

This area is only displayed when the training has a reaction evaluation. And the option is only enabled when the posttest is complete and graded (if there are open-ended questions).
