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  • Advances Control - JURA069 - Proforma Invoicing of Services - P12

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Date Added

Date when advance was added.

Customer Grp CodeCode of group of customer at issue, for whom the advance is requested.

Customer Code

Code of customer at issue, for whom the advance is requested.

Store CodeStore of customer at issue, for whom the advance is requested.

Adv. Cust. Code

Code of customer using credit from the advance.

Adv. Sto. Code

Store of customer using credit from the advance.


We offer these fields to meet the needs of a customer/store other than the one who pays the invoices and uses the credit.

Currency Code

Currency in which the advance is made. Parameter MV_MOENAC must contain the domestic currency used in value conversions.


Value of advance.


1-In Progress: Advance active.

2-Canceled: Advance canceled (you can only cancel it if no bill was created in financialsFinancials).

Bill Created?

It indicates whether a bill was created in Financials (type AR Advance Receipt).

1-Yes or 2-No

Núm título

Número do título gerado no Financeiro. 


Texto livre para descrever dados sobre o adiantamento. 


Dados da conta onde é creditado o adiantamento


Escritório de faturamento do cliente. 

Cód Caso

Caso referente ao adiantamento (dados apenas informativos). 

Tp Adto 

Qual é o tipo de adiantamento, se Despesas, Honorários ou Ambos. Campo apenas informativo. 

Num Prov

Número do título a receber provisório gerado no financeiro, antes do recebimento do adiantamento. 

Bill Number

Number of bill created in Financials.


Free text to describe data on the advance.


Data of account in which the advance is credited.


Office of customer invoicing.

Case Code

Case related to advance (data only provides information).

Advc Tp

The type of advance, whether Expenses, Fees or Both. Field only provides information.

Temp Num

Number of temporary bill receivable created in Financials, prior to receipt of advance.

Due Date 

Estimated date of advance credit (valid for temporary bill).


Data prevista para crédito do adiantamento (válido para o título provisório)