Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



Speaking of


my documents...


My Documents shows documents posted by the user that are currently awaiting approval. Therefore, the publishing user can monitor and control all of his/her documents pending approval.


Image Added

Access my documents


01. From the main menu, click Task Central.

02. Click on the My Documents tab.03. Select

View details of the document



01. Go to my documents, as displayed in the Access my documents item.

02. Click the document from the list.

03. In document view, when clicking the Document actions option (in the upper right corner), you can view various document information.


04. To view the posted document, select View Document in the checkbox located on the upper right corner.

05. To view the properties of the posted document, select View Properties.


View Properties

The document properties screen displays document data, such as:

  • Properties such as description, author and creation date, among other information;
  • Version/Review Approval History;
  • Document Version Specification;
  • Document Access Specification;
  • Related Document List;
  • Document Relationships.

Click here for more information on viewing document properties.

06. To view social information for the posted document, select the Social information option.

View Document
Displays the preview of the document, in a yet-to-be-approved version.

Social Information

The social information screen shows information such as comments in the document, users that support the document, and sharing status. Click here for more details on social information.

Cancel document approval




Go to my documents, as displayed in the Access my documents item.

02. Click the Image AddedMore actions icon, represented by horizontal bars, for the document whose approval you wish to cancel.

03. Click Cancel.


The following confirmation message will be displayed: “Do you want to cancel the document approval and delete the version/review permanently?”

  • If Yes is selected, the document will be deleted from the Task Center for both the user who created the document and the approvers.

  • If No is selected, the document remains available to be viewed by the author and approved by approvers.


This documentation is valid from update 1.56.104 on. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform.
