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Speaking of settings for forms in process...

Forms are formatted documents that request specific information, providing greater ease in the analysis of data obtained.


Form results can be obtained either by the respective processes or via the Documents menu where they are posted.


Basic Path


Settings for forms in process


01. On the Process settings screen, click on Form on the side menu.


05. Click on View form to see how your form will be published, if desired.

06. Click on Save.




Define form rules



01. In the form field setting window, click on Form rules.



The information needed to define a rule is:
Field for which the rule will be defined.
Activity in which the rule defined for the field must be performed.
Action that will be performed for the field in the activity defined. Available options:

  • Disable: When selected, it specifies that the field is displayed as disabled when the request is in the activity selected in the rule.
  • Disappear: When selected, it specifies that the field is not displayed when the request is in the activity selected in the rule.
  • Validate: When selected, it specifies that a validation be performed on the field when the request is in the activity selected in the rule. When selecting this option, it is necessary to define the criteria that will be considered in the validation of the field. Information on how to define the validation criteria can be obtained in the alternate path Define validation criteria.
  • Define value: When selected, it specifies that a specific value will be assigned to the field when the request is in the activity selected in the rule. In this case, it is necessary to define the value that will be assigned. Information on how to define this value can be obtained in the alternate path Define value for field.

It is possible to filter the rules inserted using the field Filter by activity.

04. Click on Save. 

Configure the validation of the form rule



01. In the window Form rules, click on the icon represented by a magnifying glass displayed to the right of the Action field to select the Validate action.


04. Insert the message that will be presented to the user who completes the field with a value that does not meet the validation conditions.

05. Click on Save.


Define the field value on the form rule



01. In the window Form rules, click on the icon represented by a magnifying glass displayed to the right of the Action field to select the Define value action.



When the option Custom Value is selected, it is possible to manually insert the value.

03. Press Save.


Order Analytics fields



01. In the form field setting window, click on Order Analytics fields.



Fact Fields are Numeric.

03. Click on Save.



titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.5.10 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.

