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To generate this record, you need to configure the TIO (Types of Inflow and Outflow) and properly classify the asset for it to depreciate and fit the F120 rules. The detailed, illustrated process is available in the following documentation: Cross Industries - Backoffice Protheus - FIS - Magnetic Files - How to generate the EFD Contributions F120 Record


When generating the F120, the system uses all depreciations in which field N4_OCORR is equal to 06 or 10, corresponding to tax depreciations, except for asset types (N3_TIPO): 02, 04, 05, 06, 08, 09, 10.

03. F130

You can use the F130 record to register credits based on the purchase value of assets incorporated to the company's Fixed Assets. These assets are purchased to produce products to be sold or to render services. Depending on its nature, NCM, purpose or acquisition date, tax laws allow crediting PIS/Pasep and Cofins based on the acquisition value of these assets.
