Totvs custom tabs box |
tabs | Step 01, Step 02, Step 03, Step 04, Step 05, Step 06, Step 07, Step 08 |
ids | step1,step2,step3,step4,step5,step6,step7,step8 |
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default | yes |
referencia | step1 |
| Through the configurator (SIGACFG), access: Environment > Workflow > E-mail Accounts
Mailbox Enter the mailbox data. Remember to enter the e-mail address the sender will use for contingency approvals in the address. We use the following e-mail address in our example: [email protected] ![](/download/attachments/780021653/image2020-6-25_11-43-2.png?version=1&modificationDate=1690552127590&api=v2)
Receive Messages Enter the POP3 server and the port, as well as the e-mail accounts and their respective passwords, to be used for receiving messages ![](/download/attachments/780021653/image2020-6-25_11-51-29.png?version=1&modificationDate=1690552127780&api=v2)
Send Messages Enter the SMTP port and server, as well as the account to be used for sending the contingency approvals.
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| In the configurator menu, access: Environment > Workflow > Workflow Processes
Add a workflow process.
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| In the configurator menu, access: Environment > Workflow > Workflow Status Add a workflow status, linking the process added in the previous step
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| In the configurator menu, access: Environment > Workflow > Workflow Parameters Postal Service
Select the options in accordance with your preferences. Our contingency approval example displays them as follows:
![](/download/attachments/780021653/image2020-6-25_14-8-47.png?version=1&modificationDate=1690552128673&api=v2) Processes
Informações |
| It is important to enter the workflow's web service address in the field Server. |
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| In the configurator menu, access:
Environment > E-mail/Proxy > Settings Enter the e-mail server data
Configuring the web service: Access the SRVWIZARD: ![](/download/attachments/780021653/image2020-10-2_17-20-42.png?version=1&modificationDate=1690552130083&api=v2)
Select the folder Web Modules and click Add Fill out the fields on the screen as shown: ![](/download/attachments/780021653/image2020-10-2_17-22-10.png?version=1&modificationDate=1690552130217&api=v2)
Link the address of your host (web service) with the code of the branch you will use: [HTTP] ENABLE=1 PORT=83 Enter the localhost address + the port found in the HTTP key in the .INI of the server. ![](/download/attachments/780021653/image2020-10-2_17-23-25.png?version=1&modificationDate=1690552130353&api=v2)
Configure the minimum and the maximum number of users that will access the web service and click Confirm:
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This tool functions as a local e-mail server with SMTP and POP. We can download this tool for free via developers portal http://www.hmailserver.com Configuring Mozilla Thunderbird: The Thunderbird e-mail tool is free and can be downloaded directly from the Mozilla developers web site: https://www.mozilla.org/pt-BR/thunderbird The documentation attached below contains the settings for this server: CONFIGURING THE E-MAIL SERVER.docx If you need help with the local server and the e-mail tool, the document below shows how to set up the account for sending the workflow account by Gmail.
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| The system parameters below are required for using the workflow in request approvals.
MV_ATFSOLD - Enter whether the process for requesting Postings/Transfers is active ![](/download/attachments/780021653/image2020-10-1_19-21-57.png?version=1&modificationDate=1690552130630&api=v2)
MV_PRELAN - Generate pre-entry in accounting
MV_ALTLCTO - Permite alterar lançamento contábil de integraçãoAllow changes to the accounting entry of integration
MV_ATFHTTP - Diretório do servidor HTTP HTTP server directory
MV_ATFWBX - Ativa envio de workflow na solicitação de baixa/transferênciaActivate sending of workflow in posting/transfer request
MV_ATFWFM = Indica se deve ser gerado WF para solicitações- Enter whether WF should be generated for requests ![](/download/attachments/780021653/image2020-10-1_19-42-32.png?version=1&modificationDate=1690552131290&api=v2)
MV_ATFASTR - Arquivo HTML de modelo da aprovação da solicitação HTML file of template for request approval
MV_ATFASBX - Arquivo HTML de modelo de solicitação de baixaHTML file of template for posting approval Image Modified
MV_ATFAAPS - Arquivo HTML de modelo da solicitação de transferência de ativo HTML file of template for asset transfer request
MV_ATFURL - URL do serviço URL of HTTP service
MV_ATFRESP - Indica o código do usuário responsável pelo Ativo - Enter the code of user responsible for Asset ![](/download/attachments/780021653/image2020-10-1_19-53-4.png?version=1&modificationDate=1690552132087&api=v2)
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In the configurator menu, access: User > Passwords > Users
Add or edit a user by entering the e-mail of approver in field E No menu do configurador, acesse:Usuário > Senhas > Usuários Inclua ou altere um usuário informando o e-mail de aprovador no campo e-mail
In the menu of module Fixed Assets (SIGAATF),
Updates > Register > Persons Register
Enter the e-mail in the persons register
Image Added
Access the routine of Persons Responsible X Assets:
Updates > Registers > Persons Responsible X Assets
Connect the asset register with the persons register
Image Added
Access the routine for Postings and Transfers:
Updates > Transactions > Request for Posting and Transfer
In the example, we use the request for transfer
Click Other Actions -> Transfer Request
Image Added
Request made - code 000070
Image Added
To send e-mails, access SIGACFG:
Environments > Workflow > E-mail Accounts
Click Other Actions -> Send:
Image Added
Confirm the operation
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Clique no botão Outras Ações -> Solicitação de Transferência
Image Removed
Solicitação efetuada- código 000070
Image Removed
Para enviar os e-mails, acesse o SIGACFG:
Ambientes / workflow / Contas de e-mail
Clique no botão Outras Ações -> Enviar:
Image Modified
Referente à solicitação 000070 recebido corretamente caixa de email
Regarding the request 000070 received correctly e-mail box:
Image Modified
Acessando o link o sistema redireciona para a página de aprovação:
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Após aprovar a solicitação
Image Removed
Select the user for request approval
When you access the link, the system redirects you to the approvals page:
Image Added
After approving the request
Image Added
Access the routine for Postings and Transfers:
Updates > Transactions > Request for Posting and Transfer
The request was approved correctly
Image Modified
Informações |
You can find the .htm files in the TFS, in the default rdmake folder, and copy them to the location entered (in the folder where the workflow was configuredOs arquivos .htm podem ser encontrados no TFS na pasta rdmake padrão e deverão ser copiados para o local informado (dentro da pasta onde foi configurado o workflow) $/Protheus_Padrao/Fontes_Doc/Master/Fontes/Rdmake Padrao/MODELOS/Administrativos
Evidencia no link abaixo, de como fazer a configuração passo a passoThe link below contains evidence of step-by-step configuration: Configuração Worflow_WorflowConfiguration_ATFA125.docx |