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  • Integration of Microsiga Protheus® with SoftSite (Integrations)

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To carry out the integration, the data shown in Tables are considered.


The MV_EAIURL2 parameter must be used to indicate the name of the channel configured in the EAI for sending to another EAI.

http://localhost:9621ws/eaiservice.apw (9621 is an example of the message destination server port, it must be configured according to the environment used).


8. Fill out the parameters:

MV_EAIURL2: http://localhost:9621ws/eaiservice.apw (9621 is the server port which is to receive the message; edit according to the configuration of the test environment which receives the messages).

MV_EAIWS: WSEAISERVICE.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
