Árvore de páginas

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



Speaking of tasks...

This feature provides a simpler and user-friendly interface to control tasks, especially for small or individual tasks, without the need to interact with a mandatory corporate BPMN process. However, this task can be interoperable (e.g. a task list can interact with a BPMN process or integration with external systems, and vice versa.)
The purpose of this feature is to provide a simple interface for individual use and planning, based in simplified sub-tasks and very little business restrictions, ultimately giving users more control over tasks.
This is based on the premise that all key objectives of the Tasks tool must be simple, objective, with almost no involvement with processes, flexible for users, communicative, allowing interaction, and auditable, allowing users to view relevant information and issue reports.

titleImportant to know!

Notifications are not sent via e-mail. Notifications are only received and viewed through fluig TOTVS Fluig Platform or within the Tasks tool environment.



01. Go to Solutions in the side menu.


03. View and create tasks and lists.

Create new list


01. On the lists menu, click Create List.



All new lists are directly assigned to the logged user. When creating a list, the user can assign it to different users or change this setting in options - Edit properties

Add Task


01. Select the list for which you want to create tasks.



In the tasks, click the  button in Options to add:

  • Task details

General tab: Check Task details in the General tab, as well as the person responsible and the Checklist containing subtasks.


Several subtasks can be added to a task in the Checklist. If the task has subtasks, a balloon icon with automatic counter will be shown, indicating how many subtasks are assigned to that task. Click this icon to be directly taken to the general tab containing the Checklist with subtasks.

If a subtask was created and is not selected, this means that the subtask has not been initiated. For example, the counter will show 1/1 if the subtask created has also been selected, or 1/2 if both subtasks have been created, but only one was selected.

Subtasks can be deleted by clicking the bin icon on the respective subtask’s line.

Comments tab: Add comments to the task.


Comments can be replied, edited or deleted. Only the author of the comment can edit or delete it.

If the task has comments, simply click the balloon icon on the task to go to the comments tab, under task details.

Attachments tab: Add attachments via Drag-and-drop or My computer, and view attachments added.


To open an image file, click on the file and it will open on the same page.

To download, click the  icon

Several attachments can be added simultaneously. Document attachments in Word, PDF, Excel, and other extensions must be downloaded to be viewed.

If the task has attachments, simply click the clip icon on the task to go to the attachments tab, under task details.

History tab: Check users who accessed, attached, edited, or performed any action in the task.


The History tab shows the names of users, as well as the dates and times in which actions were performed.

  • Edit task
    Edit the name of the task, change the person responsible, enter a description and set a date and deadline.
  • Delete task
    Prompts user confirmation to delete the task.

Task status


01. Find the task to change the status.



When creating a task, it is classified as Open by default, since no actions have been performed. Open tasks are highlighted in gray and grouped with other tasks with the same status, for viewing purposes.

In Progress
When initiating a task, the user can change its status to In Progress. These tasks are highlighted in orange and grouped with other tasks with the same status, for viewing purposes.

After completing a task, the user can change its status to Completed. These tasks are highlighted in green and grouped with other tasks with the same status, for viewing purposes

Add Task via Advanced options


01. Select the list for which you want to create tasks.


08.  Click the Create task button to create the task in the list.

My Pending Tasks


01. In My Pending Tasks, in the side menu, select the group to view.



This menu shows the lists with pending tasks in each group.

All pending tasks
This item shows lists that have tasks with Open or In Progress status. View the list and tasks with the respective status, except those marked as Completed. In Options, access task details, edit or delete tasks.

Tasks for today
This item shows lists that have tasks set to be completed on the current date. View the list and tasks with the respective status, except those marked as Completed. In Options, access task details, edit or delete tasks.

Overdue tasks
This item shows lists that have overdue tasks. View the list and tasks with the respective status, except those marked as Completed. In Options, access task details, edit or delete tasks.



01. In the side menu, under Lists, select the list you want to view.



List settings are available both on the side menu and the top menu of the screen, to the left of the list name.

In Options, click the  button to:

Edit properties
Rename the list and add or delete employees.

View attachments
View attachments that have been added. Users can also download or delete files.

File list
File the list in a Filed lists folder.


Users can also filter lists by tasks of certain types:

Filter tasks
Shows all tasks in the list.

Shows the list’s tasks that are due on the current date.

Shows the list’s overdue tasks.

Mine only
Shows only the list’s tasks for which the user is responsible.

Others only
Shows only the list’s tasks for which the user is not responsible.

Filed lists


01. In the side menu, click Filed lists.
