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Speaking of certificates...

The certificates Certificates are available in the history of training courses/trails tracks or classes to students who successfully complete a course successfully.

Is it possible to relate a certificate to trails, trainings and courses.

To manage certificates you must have permission to access the certificate feature on the control panel and to create, edit, remove, inactivate or reactivate certificates. And, to relate a certificate to a trail/training or discipline, you must also have permission to change these items.

A certificate can have translations in all languages enabled on the platform.

.  They can be related to tracks, training courses and subjects.

In order to manage certificates, the Learning - Certificate management feature’s options must be enabled in the Permissions feature of the Control Panel. In addition, in order to associate a certificate to a track, training course or subject, modification permission is also required for such items.

Pre-registered tokens allow you to add variable texts to certificates, which you can fill out upon issuance. You can use tokens to add fields such as username, Through tokens pre-registered you can insert text variables in certificates, which are filled at the time of issuance. The fields username, full name, virtual instance, date of registration, date of completion , and training , discipline and class can be included through tokens, simply by copying course name, among others – simply copy them to the certificate. The tokens available are presented when you create or edit texts inserted in the translation of the certificate.


titleLearn more

<a id="toggleAll" href="#" >Expand/hide additional information. </a>
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Basic Path

01. From the main menu, press Control Panel.

02. Trigger the Learning Guide.

03. Access Certificates.

04. View existing certificates.


Alternative Path

Filter Certificates


01. Press Filter Options, located in the upper left corner of the window.

02. Enter the name of the certificate to be searched.

03. Press Search.

titleLearn more

To undo the filter set and show all certificates again, press Clear

04. View the certificates in accordance with the defined filter.


Add Certificate


titleCheck it out!

For the complete list of tokens that you can use in certificates, go to Tokens in certificates.

Image Added

View certificates


01. In the main menu, place the mouse cursor over Learning.

02. Click Manage.

03. Place the mouse cursor over Manage.

04. Click Certificates.

05. View existing certificates.


You can find a specific certificate through the Search field located in the upper right corner of the window.

Add certificate


01. In the Certificates window, click 01. Press New.

02. Enter the certificate name of the certificate.

03. Under Translations, trigger Again.

04. Select the language of the certificate and set whether or not it will be the default language.

05. In the context file, press Select.

06. Locate Click Select a file to find and select the image file that will to be applied as the background of the certificate.

07. Press Save.

08. Under Translations, trigger Viewer to preview the image and edit it.

09. Certificate Editor, press Add, located in the lower left corner of the editor, to include phrases in the certificate.

04. In the field located below the image, add a sentence of your choice to the certificate.

05. After adding the sentence, drag it to the location of your choice in the certificate.


You can format sentences

titleLearn more

To adjust the location of the phrases on your certificate, simply drag them to the desired location. You can format text by applying styles, size , and color, among other options.

You can include Pre-registered tokens allow you to add fixed texts or texts that are filled at the time of issuance, through tokens pre-registered, as the student's name, for exampleyou can fill upon issuance, such as student name, training course name, and completion date. To check out all the tokens that you can use, go to Tokens in certificates.

To delete a phrase included, press Delete, located in the lower right corner of the editor. 

10. After you have finished editing, press preview to see the final version of the certificate in the corresponding language, if desired.

sentence, select it in the certificate and click the Delete icon, which is displayed next to the formatting options after selecting the sentence.

06. After adding all desired sentences, click Save or Cancel if you want 11. Press Save or Cancel to discard the changes made.

titleLearn more

It is possible to insert multiple languages for the same certificate, fires Again under Translations.

To remove a translation included, select it and press Remove under Translations.

To resume editing of a translation of the certificate, simply select it and press Viewer again. 

12. Fire Rescue; or Cancel to quit the inclusion of certificate, if desired.


Edit Certificate


Edit certificate


01. In the Certificates window, select the certificate to 01. Select the certificate that will be edited.

02. Press Click Edit.

03. Change the chosen information.04. Make the desired changes in to the translations content of the certificate.

titleLearn more


You can add, edit change the background image and edit the data presented in the certificate or delete translations. On the issue of the background image of the certificate it is possible to perform the download of the current image. 

05. Press Save.


Inactivate Certificate


01. Select the certificate that will be inactivated.

. You can also download the current image.

04. Click Save.

Delete certificate


01. In the Certificates window, select the certificate to be deleted.

02. Click Delete.

03. In the pop-up message, click Yes to confirm or No if you want to cancel the action.


 You can only delete a certificate that is not associated to any subjects, tracks or training courses.

Deactivate certificate


01. In the Certificates window, select the certificate to be deactivated.

02. Click Activate/.Deactivate02. Press Inactivate.

03. In the pop-up message displayed, press click Yes to confirm the inactivation of the certificate; or Not to drop out of the action, if desired.or No if you want to cancel the action.


When you deactivate

titleLearn more

To inactivate a certificate, it can no longer be referenced associated to any trailtracks/training courses or disciplinesubjects. 


Re-enable Certificate


Activate certificate


01. In the Certificates window, select the certificate to be activated01. Select the certificate that will be reactivated.

02. Press Reactivate Click Activate/.Deactivate.

03. In the pop-up message displayed, press click Yes to confirm the reactivation of the certificate; or Not to drop out of the action, if desired.

titleLearn more

To reactivate a certificate he becomes available again for being related to trails/training and disciplines.


or No if you want to cancel the action.


When you activate a certificate, it can be associated to tracks/training courses and subjects.

Preview certificate


01. In the Certificates window, select the certificate to be previewed.

02. Click the Preview icon, located to the right of the line corresponding to the certificate.

03. View certificate issuance.

04. After viewing the certificate, click Close. 

titlePlease noteAttention!

This documentation is valid from as of the 1.56.10 1 update. If you use a previous update, it Previous updates may contain different information different from than what you see on your platform.

