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  • INSS Calculation - (FINA377 - SIGAFIN)

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INSS Calculation (FINA377 - SIGAFIN)

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This routine generates the INSS bills payable, according to the sum of the bills receivable with nature enabling the INSS withholding and checks if the total is in accordance with the sum of the bills in the base, considering the bills are in the same date and same supplier.


This routine was adjusted to comply with the Data Protection General Regulation (Statute No. 13.70), so that some fields containing data regarded as sensitive and/or personal are blurred, becoming illegible.

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Image Added Important:

The parameter MV_VLRETIN must be set with minimum value of withholding.

  • If Yes, in the question Select Branches?, select branches considered in the grouping generation.



To calculate INSS:

  1. In INSS Calculation, click Parameters.


  1. Enter data according to field help instructions.


  1. Check information, then click OK.


  1. The system allows Viewing or Grouping taxes.


  1. Check data, then confirm operation.