FAQ: 53950-Error (5192) Unable to find server with protocol TCP in file SERVICES or SERVICES file not found in expected location en
Sintoma 53950-Error (5192) Unable to find server with protocol TCP in file SERVICES or SERVICES file not found in expected location en la conexión al producto.
Causa Error (5192) Unable to find server with protocol TCP in file SERVICES or SERVICES file not found in expected location en la conexión al producto.
Solução Síntoma:- En el acceso al producto es presentado el mensaje “Unable to find server with protocol TCP in file SERVICES or SERVICES file not found in expected location (5192)”.
Ambiente:- Progress 9;1X
- Progress 10;
- Windows;
- Archivo “PROTOCOL” ubicado abajo del directorio “%SystemRoot%\ System32\drivers\etc” del Windows.
- Indicación del protocolo TCP definido correctamente en el archivo “PROTOCOL”, ubicado abajo del directorio “%SystemRoot%\ System32\drivers\etc” de Windows.
Causa:- El mensaje Unable to find server with protocol TCP in file SERVICES or SERVICES file not found in expected location. (5192)” puede ser presentado por la corrupción del protocolo TCP/IP del Windows.
Solución:- Reinstalar el protocolo TCP/IP del Windows.