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2.1 Perform the next step of the scenario

Consultant (or other responsible for testing steps) performs the first or next step of scenario runscenario. If the scenario step is performed successfully (without bugs), the consultant performs the next step or informs another consultant responsible for the next step. If the step is performed with errors, the consultant should create an issue in JIRA (2.2). If all steps are performed successfully or without critical bugs, or if there is no more time to perform further testing steps, we finish testing and go to signing the results of testing (3.1). 

2.2 JIRA issue creation

Consultant creates JIRA issue for the error discovered during the scenario execution. The consultant also informs this bug and comments in the test scenario protocol.

1) If the registered bug is not is the standard product, the developer starts to solve this bug (2.3).

2) Otherwise, he should check if it can be solved in Russia.

2a) If can, the developer also starts to solve this bug (2.3).

2b) If the bug cannot be solved on the Russian side, developer informs consultant about this and consultant should decide if this bug critical or not. The critical bug means that we cannot continue test until this bug will be solved. For critical bugs, we need to estimate a time for solving a bug. If the time is enougth, consultant is waiting for bug to be solved (2.3).

2.3 Bug fixing started

Developer starts bug fixing. The developer is doing this locally, working together with a consultant. For critical bugs, we need to estimate a time for solving a bug. If the time is enougth, consultant is waiting for bug to be solved (2.3).

2.4 Ticket in TOTVS

Responsible for relationships with TOTVS creates a ticket.

2.5 Wait for bug fixing

If the bug is critical, we cannot continue the test. This means that the consultant should wait while this bug will be solved.