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Microsiga Protheus® displays the following group of portals, as tools:

In this portal, the customer can query financial and sales information, in addition to performing some operations like quotations and sales order.

In this portal, the sales representative can query financial and sales information, in addition to performing maintenance of quotations, sales order, schedules and tasks.

In this portal, the supplier can query financial and purchase information, in addition to replying to the quotations requested by his customer.

Direct Sales with EFT issue and transaction print in invoice

Clients who have the Billing module with Direct Sales in the menu, has invoice issued after concluding a sale. When selecting the Credit Card or Debit Card option, you must perform the operation as configured in the Station register.


Routines involved in this process are: Cash Summary, Wizard to Set the Till Float, Wizard for Cashing Up, Password Configuration and Cash.


See Also

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