Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

Confira abaixo as novidades na atualização 1.5.3 do fluig:



Version control of CSS and JS files of the platform


titleLearn more

For fluig platform developers we also created a technique to update components without relying on the browser's cache. Learn more about Cache busting and use it now in your developments.



Have lost the connection while sending a large file? Continue uploads from where you were with Connect


titleUpdate procedure

Update fluig Connect to take advantage of this new feature is very simple, just download the updated media in the customer portal and follow the instructions.




More Learning and Evaluation datasets


titleExamples of Use

Click here to check out some examples of reports using the new datasets.


Enroll several students in classes or training in groups!


To do so, simply access the feature Register users and select one or more groups to be enrolled. 


Export your Messaging history


titleMore details

Visit fluig Component Messaging and check out more details about this new possibility.




It is necessary to re-index the content so that the search will consider private publications information.




Search for images for publication


titlePay attention!

If the widgets developed on the platform present inconsistency when starting fluig, it is possible that there is conflict with the libraries used. To solve this issue, refer to Avoiding fluig dependency conflict on How to create a widget for content search.


New widgets available: check your ERP in fluig


titleLearn more

Get more information on Widgets Application ERP and ERP Container.




In this session, we have listed a few bugs that we fixed in this update to make sure everything runs smoothly on your platform.


  • Duplication of "monitor.war" artifacts that prevented access to the platform Home, showing an inconsistency.




  • Fluig update in environments that use the HTTPS protocol.
  • Viewing history of processes requests which were converted and that have sub process.
  • Exclusion of form record when the option "Change all versions of the event" is selected in the export form.