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  • Proforma Invoice Operations - JURA202 - Proforma Invoicing of Services - P12

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Use this routine to analyze and review the proforma invoices created before the tax invoices are issued.


Deck of Cards
  • Search

It allows you to search the information by using filters to organize it based on the index selected, considering, for example, the branch+code.

  • Filter by Case

Upon access to this option, the system displays the configuration screen.


Default query available by clicking F3 or the magnifying glass.

CustomerDefault query available by clicking F3 or the magnifying glass.
StoreEnter the company name.

Check it if you want the option Display only canceled or substituted proforma invoices.

After filling out the fields, click OK to confirm it, or use option Remove Filter.



  • Analysis - Proforma invoices with statuses Issue Invoice and Issue Minute or Minute Canceled can revert to status Analysis when you activate this option. Proforma invoices in status Edited only revert to status Analysis when you activate option Redo or Summary.

  • Issue Minute - When you access this option, the system displays a screen requesting confirmation to edit the status of the proforma invoices selected.

  • Issue Invoice - Changes field Issue Type from Proforma Invoice to Tax Invoice.

  • Partner Minute - This works the same way as Issue Minute, though you can use it to differentiate the minute and send it to validation by the Partner of the one validated by the Customer.



  • Sending: Used as a record of Proforma Invoice sending for revision.

A history log of the proforma invoice is created, filling out the Outflow Date, Outflow Time, Reviser and History (for all selected proforma invoices) and changes the billing status of the proforma invoice.

View the screen to enter the Reviser, Outflow Date, Outflow Time, History and Billing Status. The reviser is suggested in the proforma invoice, the outflow date and outflow time are suggested with the date of the server.

  • Return - Used as a record of the return of the proforma invoice sent to revision. A history of the proforma invoice is created, filling out the Return Date and Return Time information for the histories with blank return date but with the outflow date filled out. View the screen to enter the proforma invoice billing status and change this field in the proforma invoices selected.

  • Issue Invoice -Use this option to change Proforma invoices from statuses Analysis or Minute Issued to status Issue Invoice. The proforma invoice must be in status Issue Invoice to become available in the printing/issue queue. The system displays a screen for you to confirm the action.
  • Issue Minute: Use this option to change Proforma Invoices from status Analysis to status Issue Minute. To issue the proforma invoice minute, the proforma invoice must be in this status.



  • Reverse Selection - Use this option to reverse the existing selection. If all records are selected, use this option to deselect them all.



  • Send to Queue - It offers, in the proforma invoice minutes issue queue, the selected proforma invoices in Issue Minute status.

  • Issue - It opens the proforma invoice minutes issue screen.



It cancels the proforma invoices selected onscreen. This action cannot be undone. You need to issue a new proforma invoice in the Proforma Invoice Issue screen.

Select the proforma invoices you wish to cancel and click this option.

This system displays a confirmation screen.



It recalculates the proforma invoice values and gives you the option to create the proforma invoice report on the screen, on Word or Printer. Moreover, the way the recalculation is performed, after redoing it, the proforma invoice reverses the Analysis status if set to Edited.



It recalculates the proforma invoice values and states a summary onscreen. When entries exist in another currency, it displays one column in the domestic currency and another with the value in the other currency, including the conversion rate. Moreover, the way the recalculation is performed, after the summary the proforma invoice reverses the Analysis status if set to Edited.

Main Fields Fields 

Deck of Cards
labelProforma Invoice Tab
Discount Type

It defines the discount type in the total value of proforma invoice time sheets, with the option Value to determine the discount, or Percentage to determine the percentage.

Depending on the option selected, either field Spec Disc V or field Spec Disc % is enabled.

Increase Type

It defines the increase type in the total value of proforma invoice time sheets, with the option Value to determine the increase, or Percentage to determine the percentage.

Depending on the option selected, either field Spec Incr V or field Spec Incr % is enabled.

Adjustment Type

This field presents 3 (three) options to adjust the total value of proforma invoice time sheets (Proforma Invoice TS Value) or the value of time sheets by Contract/Case (TS Vl of tab Contracts and tab Cases).

The options are:

Time – Use this option to proportionally reduce or increase the value of time sheets. Once you choose this option, when editing field value of Proforma Invoice/Contract/Case time sheets, the system scans their time sheets, proportionally increasing or reducing the hours revised.


The value of Time Sheets of the Case is BRL 1,000.00, one of which is of BRL 300.00 and the other of BRL 700.00. After the value reduction of Case time sheets to BRL 800.00, both time sheets have their hours reduced to reach the new value, thus the first is changed from BRL 300.00 to BRL 240.00 and the second from BRL 700.00 to BRL 560.00.

Important: to be able to reach the exact value typed, the content of parameter MV_JURTS3 must be set to .T. (True), to allow for fractional time.

Last – You can use this option to proportionally reduce the value of time sheets.

Once you choose this option, when editing field value of Proforma Invoice/Contract/Case time sheets, the system scans their time sheets, removing from time sheets and dividing when needed.


In a proforma invoice the time sheets value of which is BRL 5,000.00, with 2 (two) cases, one of BRL 4,000.00 and another of BRL 1,000.00 in time sheets, when reducing the proforma invoice value to BRL 2,500.00, the value of each must be reduced to half (50%).

Thus the first acquires the value of BRL 2,000.00 and the second of BRL 500,00. To do so, the system divides, if needed, the latest time sheet of each of the cases to reach the exact value.

Hence, the first case, which had BRL 4,000.00 due to a time sheet of BRL 2,800.00 and another of BRL 1,200.00 (latest), when changing to BRL 2,000.00 the time sheet of BRL 1,200.00 is removed from proforma invoice for later billing or execution of WO, and the time sheet of BRL 2,800.00 is divided in two: one of BRL 2,000.00 and another of BRL 800.00, the last one being also removed from the proforma invoice.

All – As option Last, you can only use this option to proportionally reduce the value of time sheets. The only difference in relation to option Last is that, in this case, instead of removing entries, when a division is needed, all time sheets are divided.


Value of Time Sheets of case BRL 2,000.00, given that one time sheet is of BRL 600.00 and the other is of BRL 1,400.00. After reducing the value of time sheets of the case to BRL 1,800, both time sheets are divided to reach the new value, partially remaining in the proforma invoice and partially being removed.

Thus, the first is divided in one of BRL 540.00 and another of BRL 60.00, only the first being linked to the proforma invoice. Yet the time sheet of BRL 1,400.00 is divided into one of BRL 1,260.00 and another of BRL 140.00 which leaves the proforma invoice.

labelHistory Tab
Automatic (NX4_AUTO)

Entered automatically. LegalDesk only synces the automatic ones.

History Type

Com Emissão, Envio para revisão, Outras Alterações, Alterações do Revisor; Revisão Concluída; Cancelamento; Substituição, é informado pelo sistema. Não há interferência do LegalDesk.

With Issue, Sending to Revision, Other Changes, Reviser Changes; Revision Complete; Cancellation; Substitution, it is entered by the system, with no interference from LegalDesk.

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