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  • Frequently asked questions about the Sales Management Portal

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titleHow can I access the Sales Management Portal?

How can I access the Sales Management Portal?

The Sales Management Portal can be accessed directly using a browser on your desktop or mobile device.

To access the Sales Management Portal, just click here or use the address: https://bopgestaodevendas.com/


Before using the Sales Management Portal, check the minimum requirements entered on the page Sales Management Portal: Reference Guide.

titleWhat is the default language of the Sales Management Portal?

The Sales Management Portal follows the internationalization norms i18n; considering the browser's language as default, the portal is automatically translated into Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish or English.


titleWhen I try to access the Sales Management Portal, I receive the message "User not linked to a Sales Representative". What should I do?

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To access the Sales Management Portal, the User must be linked to a Sales Representative.

This link must be made using the Sales Representative File, by filling in the User Code (A3_CODUSR) field with the code of a user previously registered in the configurator module.

For more information, check the question "How do I link a Sales Representative with a Protheus user?"


titleHow do I link a Sales Representative with a Protheus user?

A user can only be linked to one Sales Representative in Protheus.


For the correct functioning of the Sales Management Portal APIs, it is extremely important that the SECURITY key of the APPSERVER is enabled.

Bloco de código

To link a Sales Representative to a user in Protheus, follow the steps below:

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tabsStep 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4
Totvs custom tabs box items
  1. Using the Billing Environment (05 - SIGAFAT), access the Sales Representative routine (MATA040).

Billing > Updates > Registered > Sales Representatives

1.1. Using the search box, make a search using the search index desired.

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1.2. Then, click Edit.

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The User Code field allows you to link a User to only a single Sales Representative

2. Access the Sales Representative File and click the Sales tab.

2.1 Find the User Code field (A3_CODUSR) and enter the User Code desired.

You can use the default query (F3) of the field to help find the user.

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titleHow do I select the Type of Outflow (TIO) of an item of the Sales Order?

Unlike the Sales Order routine (MATA410) of Protheus where the user can select the Type of Outflow (C6_TES) in each Sales Order item, the Sales Management Portal uses the Operation Type field on the General Data tab to define the type of outflow used when storing the Sales Order, using the Intelligent TIO routine (MATA089) to define the type of outflow.

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If no condition registered in the Intelligent TIO routine is met, the TIO entered in the Product record (MATA010) will be used.

titleHow can I restrict access to the Portal's menu?
This resource will only be available from version 1.2.0 - Dispatch July/2022

The Sales Management Portal does NOT have a specific menu in Protheus, but it is possible to restrict access to the routines using the User privileges routine in Protheus.

  • Use the routine TGVA004 to restrict access to the PGV's Menu.
  • To allow restrict access to the actions of each routine, PGV uses the access permissions of the native Protheus routine, e.g.:For the "My Orders" Menu, the privileges registered for the MATA410 routine, responsible for the registration of Sales Orders in Protheus, will be used.(Add, Edit and Delete) use Protheus routines (MATA410, MATA415, CRMA980), as shown below.

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Currently, the Sales Management Portal does not use the access permissions of the Protheus Menus, considering only the user privileges routine.


titleCan an external sales representative access the Sales Management Portal using a smartphone?

Yes, as long as this Sales Representative is registered at Protheus® and linked to a user.


All screens in the Sales Management Portal are responsive and can be accessed normally by the Sales Representatives using a smartphone.

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titleHow can I identify that a Sales Orders was included through the Sales Management Portal?

When a new Sales Order is registered using the Sales Management Portal, the Source field (C5_ORIGEM) is filled in with the value "TGV.SALESORDER".


titleShould I use the Sales Management Portal during processing of the Redo Allocations routine (MATA215) or another one that leaves the tables exclusive?

While the tables used by the Sales Management Portal (PGV) are being processed, the message "The tables needed to access this routine are being processed exclusively in Protheus. Contact the system administrator". is displayed.

titleHow can I enable the comma key in the keyboard of my device when editing values in the Sales Management Portal?

The fact that the keyboard lacks the comma character is due to the Region configured in the mobile device, because when the device region is set for countries other than Brazil, the keyboard adopts the period character by default. Thus, you must change the country setting of the device that is accessing the Sales Management Portal to Brazil, then the keyboard will adopt the local standard and display the comma key.

titleCan I customize the number of decimal places used in the Sales Management Portal?

The feature to customize decimal places in numeric fields is not available in Sales Management Portal forms. 
Numeric fields containing decimal places use up to two decimal places.