Índice |
maxLevel | 2 |
minLevel | 2 |
style | circle |
Invoices Payable - FINA290 - Financial P12
Routine Invoices Payable is useful to group bills payable from a supplier or to divide them in installments.
Using a Payment Term, the process allows:
You can make these negotiations for the same supplier and generate them only for the store of the main bill or, if desired, to all the stores of the supplier.
These transactions meet companies that receive many tax invoices and only one base invoice.
In this operation, new bills are generated and the system requests the code of the Payment Term that defines the breakdown of the bill, posting the original bills.
Procedure manually performed through routine Invoices Payable (FINA290), with the display of the screens involved in the process - actions/commands from the user are required
Use this option to add bills for grouping.
Use this option to view all bill data, regardless of type.
Use this option to search bills with filter options and by configuring questions (F12).
This operation performs the
counterentry of the invoice, reversing the value paid.
This displays the caption chart with the status definitions of the bills grouped
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Use this operation to print the bills displayed in the browser, after adjusting your settings.
List of parameters applied to FINA290 and its processing Âncora |
composition-deck-Parâmetros | composition-deck-Parâmetros
Deck of Cards |
id | Parameters |
effectType | fade |
Card |
id | 1 |
label | Questions (F12) |
effectType | fade |
| Question | Description | Consider Stores? | This field indicates whether to consider the store of the supplier when filtering records to be selected for invoice composition. No - the bills of all supplier stores are fetched for confirmation of invoice composition. Yes - only bills from the same store of the main bill are displayed for selection. To enable the field to generate bills for another supplier, set the content of this question to No. | Display Accounting Entry? | Enter whether to display accounting entry when booking online. | Book Posting Online? | Enter whether to book postings online. | Book Posting Canc. Online? | Enter whether to book posting cancellation online. | Aut. Select Bills? | Automatically select bills. | Select Branches? | Select "Yes" if you want to select branches. Select "No" to use the branch you are logged on. |
Card |
id | 2 |
label | Parameters (SX6) |
effectType | fade |
| Question | Description | Default | MV_FATOUT | Time out to select user record (in seconds). If the user takes longer, the screen is closed. | 900 | MV_MSGTIME | Set message display to user in seconds, notifying that the screen will automatically close in a few minutes. The value of this parameter must always be smaller than that of parameter MV_FATOUT, under penalty of locking the screen for selection of bills for invoice composition. | 120 | MV_BX10925 | Set the time for taxation posting, 1= At Posting or 2= At Issue | 1 | MV_PABRUTO | Set how to provision AP, whether 1 = gross value or 2 = net value. | 1 | MV_CTBFLAG | .T. Enables selection of booking flags in transaction control; .F. Flag selection remains through routine that calls the booking, out of transaction control. | .T. | MV_FINVDOC | Activate control of required documents in routines for releasing bill payable postings/transactions? ("1" = Yes / "2" = No) | 2 | MV_RNDISS | Enter INSS rounding criterion, whether .T. round the value or .F. fix the main value. | .T. | MV_FINCTAL | If set to 1 - Simple Release - the operations of search, manual release, automatic release, cancellation and caption are kept. The System records, in the accounts payable table, the release date and the name of the user responsible for the release. If set to 2 - Competence - the operations of search, view, balance query, bill release, cancellation, superior release, transfer to superior and temporary absence are redefined. | 1 | MV_NUMFATP | Used for automatic numbering of invoices payable. | 1 | MV_MRETISS | ISS withholding mode in acquisition of services, whether 1 = when issuing main bill or 2 = when posting main bill. | 1 | MV_INSIRF | Define whether to deduct the INSS value from the IRRF calculation in Financials. If 1 = Calculation base value gets deducted from IRRF. If 2 = Not deducted. | 2 | MV_NGMNTFI | Maintenance Integration (MNT) with Financials (FIN), S = Yes, P = Order or N = No. | N | MV_MCUSTO | Currency used to verify the credit limit entered in the customer file. | 2 | MV_1DUP | This field suggests whether the breakdown of bills is alphanumeric = A or numeric = 1. | A | MV_CTLIPAG | Control postings payable through filled out release date. If .T. the system checks whether field E2_DATALIB is filled out. If .F. it does not control them. | .F. | MV_VLMINPG | Release of bills for manual or automatic postings in accounts payable. Select .T. for automatic release or .F. for manual release. | .T. | MV_CTBFLAG | Indicates if the accounting flags of the offline routines are selected through the accounting entry transaction - SIGACTB. | .F. |
Deck of Cards |
id | Processes |
effectType | fade |
Card |
id | 1 |
label | + Select |
effectType | fade |
| Procedures To add an invoice payable: - In the Invoices Payable browser, press (F12) to set routine parameters.
- Set and confirm parameters.
- Fill out the data in accordance with field help instructions.
- Check and confirm the data. The system displays a window requesting confirmation of the data.
- Confirm it.
- Then, click option + Select. A parameter settings screen opens
- The system displays a new screen with the bills that belong to the fields entered earlier, already selected. On this screen, the system displays the data for the invoice to be generated, that is, prefix, number, nature and currency. The invoice amount, the amount selected and the total bill amount selected are displayed on the left side of the screen. Note that the value selected changes as the bills are checked. Likewise, the quantity of bills selected is also updated
- Select and confirm the bills desired for generation of the invoice.
- The system requests the Payment Term for the Invoice Payable.
- Enter and confirm the code of the Payment Term.
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Standard Entries (LP) available to book the invoice payable:
530 - Accounts Payable - Posting of Bills;
531 - Accounts Payable - Cancellation of Bill Postings;
587 - Accounts Payable - Generation of Invoices Payable;
593 - Accounts Payable - Cancellation of Invoices Payable;
You can use the variable VALUE to book the invoice, to get the total value of the invoice, or to use fields from table SE2. For example, E2_VALOR. You can even access other information from the same table for each installment the invoice generates.
Informações |
This booking is not offline, because the bill values that compose the invoice are summed so the value booked between the original records and the invoice are equal. In offline booking, you cannot group all bills involved in the invoice to book the posting and then book the invoice generation. |
BILL A – BRL 1,000.00BILL 00
BILL B – BRL 2,000.00BILL 00
BILL C – BRL 3,000.00
The accounts payable invoice is generated with the payment method that generates two equal installments, the first 30 days and the second 60 days after the date of negotiation.
The accounting entries would be formed thus:
Item | Debit Account | Credit Account | Value | Note |
1 | 01234 |
| 3,000.00 | 587 - Tables SE2 and SA2 will be selected and ready for data access. |
2 | 01234 |
| 3,000.00 | 587 - Tables SE2 and SA2 will be selected and ready for data access. |
3 |
| 01235 | 6,000.00 | 587 - Tables SE2 and SA2 will NOT be selected. Using variable VALUE. |
Accounting variables
Some variables available for this booking:
Generation of Invoice LP 587:
DEDUCTION = Deduction of bill, if any
VALUE = Total value of invoice(s)
Cancellation of Invoice LP 593:
VALUE = Total value of invoice(s)
Some tables used:
CT1 - Chart of Accounts;
CTH - Value Class;
CTO - Currencies;
CT2 - Accounting Entries;
The following tables are related to the process:
Table | Description |
FK2 | Postings Payable |
FK3 | Calculated Taxes |
FK4 | Withheld Taxes |
FK7 | Auxiliary Table |
FKA | Transaction Tracing |
SA2 | Suppliers |
SE2 | Accounts Payable |
SED | Natures |
Automatic Execution: Invoices Payable (FINA290) - Automatic Execution (ExecAuto)