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  • VAT Withholding Certificate (FINR085X - SIGAFIN) - Obsoleto

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This report issues the certificate of Value Added Tax (VAT) withholding for financial operations made when tax document of purchase, services and/or fees is issued.

Information concerning number of certificate, supplier, issue, invoice number and value, tax rate, supplier, etc. is printed.


To print data in the report, you must have already been registered the following items:

  • Supplier, legal entity, responsible for delivery or provision of services.
  • Class that makes withholding, defining the respective rate.
  • Inbound Invoice, associated with Classes.


Issuing VAT withholding certificates:

  1. In VAT Withholding Certificate, click Parameters.
  2. Fill out the parameters required to issue certificates, according to field help instructions.
  3. Check data and confirm them.

See Also

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