The calculation of the variation in CDI accrued between periods is executed according to the following formula,
C = Product of the rates DI-CETIP Over using the percentage highlighted, from the initial date (included)
up to the final date (exclusive), calculated with the rouding of 8 (eight) decimal places.
n = total number of rates DI-CETIP Over, where n is an integer.
p = highlighted percentage for payment, with 4 (four) decimal places.
TDI k = Rate DI-CETIP Over, expressed in days, calculated with the rounding of 8 (eight) decimal places.
For CDI rates published up to 12/31/97, the formula DI_CETIP Over must be used:
Formula 1
TDI K = DI K , where: k = 1, 2, ..., n
Highlighted percentage for payment | 97.5000 | |||
k | DI | TDI (DI/3000) | TDI * (P/100) | (1+ TDI * (P/100)) * k-1 = Fator k |
1 | 16.62 | 0.00554000 | 00540150 | 1.00540150 |
2 | 16.63 | 0.00554333 | 00540475 | 1.01083544 |
3 | 16.74 | 0.00558000 | 00544050 | 1.01633489 |
4 | 16.70 | 0.00556667 | 00542750 | 1.02185105 |
k-1 = (1+TDI * (p/100) de k -1. Except when k=1, once the multiplier is 1.
Multiplying K for CDI balance, the updated value is presented (interests included). Subtracting the balance of the updated value, the amount presented is the interest.
For the CDI rates published after 1/1/98, the formula must be:
Formula 2
TDI K =( DI K + 1) 1/252, where: k = 1, 2, ..., n
Highlighted percentage for payment | 97.5000 | |||
k | DI | TDI (DI/3000) | TDI * (P/100) | (1+ TDI * (P/100)) * k-1 = Fator k |
1 | 16.62 | 0.00061031 | 00059505 | 1.000580174 |
2 | 16.63 | 0.00061065 | 00059538 | 1.001161008 |
3 | 16.74 | 0.00061439 | 00059903 | 1.001745742 |
4 | 16.70 | 0.00061303 | 00059770 | 1.002329521 |
Multiplying K for CDI balance, the updated value is presented (includes interests). Subtracting the balance of the updated value, the amount presented is the interest.