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  • Environment in other language

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Environment in other language

How to access Protheus in other language


Microsiga Protheus


11 and 12

Step by Step:

To create an environment, by accessing the same data of the main base in Portuguese, with texts in other language (English, Spanish), follow this procedure:

  • First, download the RPO of the language desired in the Customer Portal. In this example, we will use the English language:
    Image Modified For Protheus 11, click here...
  • Customer Portal: {+}http://suporte.totvs.com+ - Menu Downloads and Updating - Protheus Line - Microsiga Protheus Version 11 - All - Category: Repository of objects - Download the file AA-MM-DD-BRA-EUA-PAR-URU-TTTE110.RPO
    Note: if versions are not being displayed, in "Filters of packages", select "All packages available", then select the category again.

          Image Modified For Protheus 12, click here...
  • Customer Portal: {+}http://suporte.totvs.com+ - Menu Downloads and Updating - Protheus Line - Microsiga Protheus Version 12.112.1.XX (where XX is the Release version of P12) - Protheus 12.1.XX TopConnect English - Category: Repository of objects - Download file AA-MM-DD-P12_1_XX-BRA-EUA-PAR-URU-TTTE120.RPO
    Note: if versions are not being displayed, in "Filters of packages", select "All packages available", then select the category again.

  • After download, create a folder in the same path of the current folder APO, but with other name (APO_ENG, for example), then copy file .rpo to this folder - Rename file, removing all content before TTTE, keeping only TTTE110.RPO to P11 and TTTE120.RPO to P12 - Open file appserver.ini - Create a new Environment, according to the example below:  
    <ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="5eb470f2-6823-4938-b4fa-ea98766adcc3"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[P12_INGLES] \]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro>
    SourcePath=C:\TOTVS 12\Microsiga\protheus\APO_ENG\
    RootPath=C:\TOTVS 12\Microsiga\protheus_data
    In the first access, you have field help files in English in the Systemload folder, a message informing that help fields are created in English. Image Modified
    After creating helps, the login homepage will be displayed with texts in English: Image Modified
    Image Modified
    Image Modified
