Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


This option will be saved on the parameter MV_FATSOPD for later usage and cannot be edited.

It will also request the path for saving export files, stored on parameter MV_FATSOPP.

This path must be under Protheus SYSTEM directory (StartPath), in order to have the routine run via Schedule.


  1.    Access Updates/ Integration/ Initial Load S&OP.
  2.    Select option Questions and complete the field generating entity and the path (Neogrid folder) where the exported file will be kept.
  3.    Click the button Informationand next the button Run.
  4.    Wait processing.
  5.    Access again the option Updates/ Integration /Initial Load S&OP and click Processes Log.
  6.    Check the log if files were successfully generated.
  7.    Access the tab Neogrid and check if files were successfully generated.
  8.    Open the files and check if the content was correctly generates remember they must follow the following standard:

Demand 1 - grouping entity on the information from the next files

Demand 2 - list of companies

Items – products

DFU Transaction - sales and return invoice data.

DFU price List - prices according to a price table.