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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Check out the new features available in the fluig 1.6.0 update:


titleBefore updating...

Before applying Update 1.6 to your environment, check out the requirements, guidelines and the step-by-step instructions available at fluig Update Guide.


WildFly and Java 8: State-of-the-art technology to streamline your environment

To In order to deliver even more stability, security and speed, two key components of the platform have been updated: the WildFly application server, now called WildFlyon version 10, and the Java execution environment on version 8. The Java 8 execution environment received offers major security, performance and stability upgrades, while WildFly now includes new integration, clustering and resource management features.


Image without changes. Source: widefly.org, licensed via Creative Commons 3.0.

titleFique ligadoStay tuned!

Antes de aplicar a Atualização Before applying the Update 1.6 em seu ambiente, certifique-se de que a instalação atual está com a Atualização to your environment, make sure the current installation has Update 1.5.10 ou superioror higher.

Boot time reduction: Lightning fast right off the bat


Click here to learn about the settings for load balancing, high availability and cluster.


More stability in cluster environments with session replication support


Click here to learn more about the cluster platform configuration.


New search engine and indexation settings ensure faster and more relevant results


New indexation options available on the Control Panel




After upgrading the environment, carry out a complete re-indexation of your company’s repositories on fluig. This process is required to optimize the improvements provided by the new indexation and search engine in the platform.


Timer between attempts of a Timer between attempts of a service activity ensure greater assertiveness and speed

Time settings in service activities not only fill the gap of a feature that provides versatility and improved utility, but also eliminates the risk of running a certain activity more than once.
Service activities may now include timer options between reiterations, allowing you to configure the time between attempts to execute a service activity (asynchronous). On the server side, the built-in task scheduler can be used to execute the activity after the specified time, preventing concurrent executions of the same activity. Each activity will be executed every minute and the next attempt will also be informed in the history to warn users.


Standard flow in automatic activities: innovation meets convenience


The ‘Undertake task’ feature has become much more visible and highlighted in this update, and much easier to be located. It is now located outside the request tabs, along with other request options, such as “Send”, “Save” and “Cancel request.”. 


Cancel as many requests as you want, all at once


The new “Moving in block” feature allows simultaneously moving multiple tasks managed by a specific user. This feature is available in the Task Central and can be accessed on the ‘my tasks’ tab, which will allow you to move processes of the same type/version/activity all at once to the next activity.


New option to create templates to send custom e-mails on the platform


titleMore information

Check the documentation available in E-mail customization.


Reworked notifier.notify method



Digital signature made easy

Soon, you won’t have to worry about having Java installed on your computer to approve documents (or move requests) with digital signature. We’re simplifying the use of Digital signature and, from now on, if Google Chrome is your favorite browser, you don’t have to worry about Java: we are now using an extension to search your digital certificate. Other browsers – Internet Explorer and Firefox – still require Java installation, but only for a little while.

Digital signature made easy

You no longer have to worry about having Java installed on your computer to approve documents (or move requests) with digital signature on fluig. We have simplified the use of Digital signature and, from now on, if Google Chrome is your favorite browser, you don’t have to worry about Java: we are using a single extension in your browser to search your digital certificate. Don’t worry, if you haven’t installed the extension, you will be directed to the installation (according to the browser used)

More flexibility to use Controlled Copy properties

If you dreamed of including extra information in a document through the controlled copy properties, well, your dream has come true! We have created new events to add more flexibility to the use of controlled copy properties: create new properties and change the value of existing properties according to your need:

  • onApplyDocumentPrintProperties
  • onApplyDocumentProtocolProperties
  • onApplyDocumentPublishProperties

Are you interested? Click here to check more details about the events. One such example is available here.


titleNew around here?

Learn more about controlled copy properties here



New methods in the Public API

Now the range of methods to handle Learning and Evaluations items has been extended, with new methods available in the public API. Check it out:



More flexibility to use Controlled Copy properties

If you dreamed of including extra information in a document through the controlled copy properties, well, your dream has come true! We have created new events to add more flexibility to the use of controlled copy properties: create new properties and change the value of existing properties according to your need:

  • onApplyDocumentPrintProperties
  • onApplyDocumentProtocolProperties
  • onApplyDocumentPublishProperties

Are you interested? Click here to check more details about the events. One such example is available here.

titleNew around here?

Learn more about controlled copy properties here


New methods in the Public API

Now the range of methods to handle Learning and Evaluations items has been extended, with new methods available in the public API. Check it out:



Get streamlined and integrated first access to the platform Get streamlined and integrated first access to the platform with the new Help Center

Any doubts about how to use something on the platform? The new Help Center is here to make your search much faster. It provides quick access to key documentation and videos offered in the Developer, Help, Learning and FAQs portals. All of that in a single click! Check out how easy it is:


To access the Help Center, just click the icon (interrogação) on the upper right corner of the page


Documentation News

  • A documentação Sincronização de Datasets foi atualizada para tornar clara a obrigatoriedade da função defineStructure na configuração do dataset offline.
  • The Dataset Synchronization documentation has been updated to clarify the mandatory defineStructure function in the offline dataset configuration.
  • See the fluig Analytics documentation for Importing history data, updated with new information about the importer’s Consulte a documentação de Importação de dados históricos do fluig Analytics atualizada com novas informações sobre o funcionamento da versão 1.5-v3 do importador.
  • version.




  • Viewing the annex of the request was unavailable to other users when the user that had included it was inactivated. 


  • Adjustment to inconsistency in transferring activity using the global hAPI variable in the assignment mechanism.



  • Fix to the display of Mobile forms to properly display the platform standards and adjustments made in the message displayed when developing a form.


  • Progress bar added to the Register users feature, to allow tracking the progress of registrations when there is a high number of students being enrolled – about 4,500 students – preventing users from getting the impression that the feature crashed or a problem occurred due to delay in displaying the result of the action.



  • Fix to allow connecting the fluig server through the fluig Studio plugin to environments with authentication integrated to fluig Identity.


  • Adjustment to the widget selection window displayed on page editing, so it can be resized properly in case there is a greater number of custom widgets registered.



  • Fix applied to group conversations on fluig Messaging to ensure users clicking on Exit conversation will have the action successfully completed.


  • Adjustment to displaying the shared document icon in the conversation, so that it does not overlap the text displayed in the message balloon.
  • Fix to the deployment of the SMS Notification component, as it was not possible to use it with the previous platform update due to an inconsistency in the component startup.
  • The validation of form fields created in communities has been improved to prevent using the same code for different questions.


  • overlap the text displayed in the message balloon.
  • Fix to the deployment of the SMS Notification component, as it was not possible to use it with the previous platform update due to an inconsistency in the component startup.
  • The validation of form fields created in communities has been improved to prevent using the same code for different questions.
  • Increased character limit in posts, from 600 to 700 characters. This change will be valid for texts posted on the timeline, including those accompanied by images, videos, articles or documents, and for comments added when sharing a post.

When mentioning a user in a publication (@ + username), the character counter considers the amount of characters in the user's login as well as the characters in the name.


  • Page/widget codes were added to the Permissions screen for features that have the same name, streamlining their identification. Links have also been added to the respective pages/widgets to inform the administrator about the location of these features on the platform.


  • Correction on opening links to internal fonluig pages via mobile application from a Content Editor widget. The page will be loaded into the application’s own format, and not as a desktop website.