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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.





of articles...

The new feature allows you to create and update information in the platform in an article format – with no need to create a document with the help from an external tool – and, later, post it in document browsing.


titleDid you know?

An article can be created to present the company’s Use policy, as well as a Consent form to be accepted by all users accessing the platform.

Create new article


To perform this action, the user must have write permission at the chosen location.

01. After clicking on the option New article in the location where it will be created, enter a description In the location where you wish to create an article, click on New, located in the action bar on the top left of the window.

02. Click on Article.


Clicking on this option opens the window in which you can add a document in advanced mode, i.e., which allows you to define the document properties.

03. Enter a description that identifies the new article.

04.02. On the Editor tab, enter the content for the article.


The text editor has several features, such as:
 copy, cut and paste;
 find and replace;
 form fields;
 text formatting;
 special characters;
• web page links;
 view of source code generated by the editor.

0305. Click on the Attachments tab.


The Attachments tab allows you to upload files to the article, as well as attach any files that are posted on the platform.
The file generated for the article is in html format, thus, it is possible to attach file types JavaScript, CSS, Flash, images, among others.


Click on Select file


 to attach a file from your workstation or


Copy ECM file


 to attach a file that is already posted on the platform.


 Find and select the file to be attached to the article.


 If you wish, select Clear upload directory when posting.



When checked, it determines that the files located in the upload directory will be deleted once the article is posted.

0706. Click on the General information tab and add the requested information.


Required information:
Brief description with relevant information about the article.
Labels assigned to the article for easy searching later. Tags act as keywords and allow the article to be tagged in a more personal and informal manner. You can find the article by browsing or searching. Enter with or without the character “#” to enable auto complete of the tags in the tags field. The auto complete retrieves a drop-down list of the five most used tags based on the characters typed after the character "#".
Version/review description
Description for the current version/review of the article.
Number of the start version/review of the article being posted. This field is only enabled when adding an article and when the "Manual control of the start version" field of the Parameters feature under the General tab in the Control panel is checked. When the Control Panel field is not checked, the version/review "1000" is automatically assigned to the article, and you cannot change it. This field format is numeric (999,999) and the first three numbers represent the version and the other three represent the review. After the first publication, the platform automatically controls the progress of the versions and reviews, and numbers cannot be changed. After the first publication, the platform automatically controls the progress of the versions and reviews, and numbers cannot be changed. As you select this field, the contents of the document can be changed and its original creation date is changed to the date it was last changed due to the creation of a new version/review.
Create compulsory version/review
When selected, it determines that it is not possible to change the article and keep the same version/review, that is, you can only perform changes by creating a new version or its review.
Document expires?
When checked, it determines that the article will expire on the date entered in the field "Valid until". If not, the article does not expire and the date entered in the field "Valid until" is disregarded. This option will be displayed as checked when the field “Document expires?"– from the Parameters feature of the General tab in the Control Panel - is checked.
Expiration notification period
Period of advance – in days – from which the article expiration notification will be issued. If you enter zero (0), it will consider the number of days entered in the platform's general parameters.
Valid from
Date from which the article will be available to users – according to their access permissions. This date allows the author of the article to schedule its viewing to the other users of the platform, as it will only be displayed as of that date. When the article is valid only as of a future date, it is displayed to the author with a red arrow representing that it is a future document. The future posting date cannot be earlier than the current date and the future post does not send notification e-mail (document approval, new version/review, etc.).
Valid until
The date from which the article will be considered expired when the option "Document expires?" is checked. The expiration date is suggested considering the field "Document expiration days" – from the feature Parameters of the General tab of the Control Panel – when it has any value set. If the field "Document expires" of that feature is not checked, that date is disregarded.
Document type
Type of document to which the article belongs.
Subject to which the article is related.
Icon type
Graphic element representing the article. When the icon is not selected, it is associated with a standard icon based on the article extension (HTML).
Author user of the article being created.
Language to which the article will be related. The language is used to index the content and article information. Indexed information is used in searches by content. As default, the language determined is shown in the user preferences function. If it is not defined in the user profile, the standard language defined in the General Parameters of the platform is suggested.
When checked, this option specifies that users who have the subject related to the article as a subject of interest will be notified when the article is posted.

For more information, see Document properties.

07. 08. Click on the Related documents tab.


On this tab, you can relate a document posted on the platform to the article.


To add a related document:

  1. Click on Add.


  1. Find and select the document to be related


  1. .


  1. Click


  1. on Confirm.



To delete a related document:

  1. Click the Image Added icon for the related document.

When there is a related to the article, simply select it and click on the Delete icon, represented by a bin and found in the Functions column.document, the user can access its properties by clicking Document actions > View properties. You will then be able to click on the document in question in the Related document list area and view it.

08. 12. Click on the Approval tab and define the approval criteria for the article, if you wish.


This tab is only displayed if the folder in which the article is being created does not have approval criteria.

13. Define the approval criteria for the article, if you wish.


For more information about the procedure, see Define approval criteria for folder or document.

1409. Click on the Security tab.15. Define tab and define the security criteria for the article, if you wish.


For more information about the procedure, see Define security criteria for folder or document.

1610Click on Save draft to save the article and edit it later or Post to actually post it in document browsing so that other users can view it, according to the security criteria set.

View article


01. Find and click on the name of the article you wish to view.



You can perform some actions when viewing the article, such as viewing its properties, viewing social information, copying its link, among other options. For more information, see Document view.

Request additional permission for an article


This option is presented only to users who are not administrators.

01. Find the article for which you wish to request additional permissions.



Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can request additional permissions for the article. For more information, see Request additional permission for a folder or document.

View article attachments


01. Find the article for which you wish to view the attachments.



Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can view the article attachments. For more information, see View document attachments.

Define priority for an article


To perform this action, the Priority column must be displayed. If it is not, check the View priority of folder content item.

01. Find the article for which you wish to define priority.

02. Enter the desired priority for the article in the Priority column. In the Priority column, click on the space corresponding to priority.

03Enter a numeric priority for the article and press the Enter key on the keyboard.


The prioritization of folders or documents is used exclusively to sort them by priority in the documents browsing. You can define the priority for all document types that can be posted.

To view the content of a folder sorted by its priority, simply click on the Priority column. 


For more information about article priority, see Define priority for a folder or document.

If the Priority column is not displayed in the folder containing the article, you can enable it by following the steps of the alternative path View folder content priority under Folder.

Perform a social action for an article


To perform this action, the user must have read permission at the chosen location.

01. Find the article for which you wish to perform a social action.



For more information about social actions that can be performed for an article in document browsing, see Support folder or document, Comment on folder or document and Share folder or document

Follow article


01. Find the article that you wish to follow.



For more information on the Follow feature, see Follow document.

Define article as a favorite


01. Find the article that you wish to define as a favorite.



For more information about the Favorites feature, see see Define folder or document as favorite. 

Rename article

01. Find the article that you wish to rename.


You need to have modify permission for the article in order to rename it.

01. Find the article that you wish to rename.

02. Click on Image AddedMore options, located to the right of the article name.



Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can rename the article. For more information, see Rename folder or document. 

Edit article


01. Find the article that you wish to edit.

02. Click on Image AddedMore options, located to the right of the article name.

03. Click on Properties.

04. Edit the properties which you wish.


Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can edit the article. For more information, see Edit folder or document propertiessee Document properties.

05. Click on Confirm.

Cancel article draft


01. Find the article for which you wish to cancel the draft that was previously saved.

02. Click on Image AddedMore options, located to the right of the article name.



When clicking on this option, the content saved as a draft is deleted and the article will go back to displaying the content of the last version posted.

Restore article version


01. Find the article for which you wish to restore an older version.

02. Click on Image AddedMore options, located to the right of the article name.



Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can restore an older version of the article. For more information, see Restore document version.

Copy article


01. Find and select the article that you wish to copy to another location.



For more information on how to perform this action, see Copy and paste folder or document.

Cut article


01. Find and select the article that you wish to cut to another location.



For more information on how to perform this action, see Cut and paste folder or document.

Mirror article


01. Find and select the article for which you wish to create a mirror document.

02. Click on More Mirror, located in the action bar on the top left of the window.03. Click on Mirror.


Clicking on this option opens a window in which you can finish creating a mirror document of the article. For more information, see Mirror document.

Delete article


01. Find and select the article you wish to delete.



Clicking on this option opens a message stating that the article has been deleted. However, it is only deleted from the document browsing structure, and will remain in the Bin. When Quota control is active, the space occupied by the article in the folder will be freed only when the article is deleted from the Bin. For more information on how to restore or definitively delete the article from the platform, go to the Bin.

titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the Lake (1.7.0) update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.