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  • Release for Posting - FINA580 - Financials - P12

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Release for Posting - FINA580 - Financials - P12







This routine was adjusted to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law (Statute No. 13.70), so that some fields containing data regarded as sensitive and/or personal are blurred, becoming illegible.


This routine releases bills for manual or automatic postings in Accounts Payable.


Once you configure the system to release payments, all bills the system generates must go through this evaluation for payment releases, regardless of where they were generated.

For example, a bill generated by the invoicing routine, with bills already released, is also born blocked for evaluation.


To use this routine, you must configure the following parameters:


Fill it out with the content T. When you activate this parameter, you can only post bills after running this routine.


Enter the minimum value for release. Bills presenting


values lower than the one entered will be automatically released.

  • MV_F580DT

This determines which Financials Date will be used for validation when Releasing Bills Payable, 1 = Accounting (Typing) Date, 2 = Issue Date.


This indicates the approver code for bills of a specific currency, for authorization control.


MV_FINAP01, the approver code is entered for bills of currency 01.

MV_FINAP02, the approver code is entered for bills of currency 02.


You can release payments in two different ways:


Manual release is performed bill per bill, where the system displays its data on the screen.

To release payments manually:

  1. In the Payments Release maintenance window, select the option Manual, selecting the bill to be released.
  2. Check and Confirm the data.
  3. Check whether the routine maintenance window is displaying displays the bill with a green sphere Image Removed Image Added, indicating that it was released for payment. From this point onwards you can post the bill.
  4. The system saves the release date and name of the user who ran the routine in the Release Date (E2_DATALIB) and User Name (E2_USUALIB) fields.

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If a payable originates from a purchase order with advance payment, and the parameter MV_BLQPAPC = T, it will not be possible to release it manually. The bill will be released for payment when the purchase order is approved. 


Use the Automatic Release feature to select multiple bills, filtering them by supplier, bearer, due date, values, and bill type.

To release an automatic payment:

  1. In the Payment Release maintenance window, select the Automatic option.
  2. Configure the data in accordance with field help instructions.
  3. Check and Confirm the data.
  4. The system displays a screen with the bills corresponding to the information entered in the parameter.
  5. Check the desired bills by double-clicking until a sign appears.
  6. Check and Confirm the data.
  7. Check whether the routine maintenance window is displaying bills with a green sphere Image Removed Image Added, indicating that they were released for payment. From this point onwards you can post the bill.
  8. The system saves the release date and name of the user who ran the routine in the Release Date (E2_DATALIB) and User Name (E2_USUALIB) fields. Image Removed 

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Option Automatic is only available for the simple release process (MV_FINCTAL = 1).




  • To


  • ease


  • the


  • process


  • of


  • querying


  • and


  • adding


  • the


  • initial


  • and


  • final


  • codes


  • of


  • suppliers,


  • press


  • [F3


  • ]


  • to


  • run


  • the


  • default


  • query


  • of


  • the


  • Suppliers


  • Register


  • in


  • questions


  • From


  • Supplier?


  • and


  • To


  • Supplier?


  • .
  • Use question Select Branches? to select branches for this routine.


Cancelling Canceling the payment release will change the bill to status In Approval Image Removed Image Added   

To cancel a payment release:

  1. In the Payment Release maintenance window, select the bill and choose the option Other Actions > Cancel.
  2. Check and Confirm the data.
  3. Check whether the routine maintenance window is displaying the bill with a blue sphere Image Removed Image Added , indicating that it has returned to the In Approval status. Image Removed 

Image Added


Use this option to change the status of a bill payable to suspended or canceled, provided the bill has not undergone any type of financial transaction.

Thus, you can give the bill one of the following statuses:


The data of users responsible for status changes and the dates when those changes took place are stored in the bill payable record in table SE2 - Accounts Payable.

In Manual Posting Payable and in batch posting, you can only post canceled bills if the reason for posting lacks financial transactions.

The Automatic Posting Payable does not allow selecting canceled bills for posting if the reason has financial transactions.

To change the status of a bill payable:

  1. In the Payment Release maintenance window, select the bill and choose option Other Actions > Statuses.
  2. Enter and Confirm a new status for the bill.

The bill caption changes , and Accounts Payable processes start using the new status. Image Removed

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If the authorization control is activated (MV_FINCTAL = 2), the bill status cannot be changed.


Bills are released with authorization control in accordance with the hierarchy of approvers and superiors through available authorization balance.

The approver responsible for releasing bills to be posted is defined by the Approv. Code field (E2_CODAPRO) in the Accounts Payable routine (FINA050).

The system stores only a single approver in the E2_CODAPRO field based on the content of parameter MV_FINAPXX.

Rules for releasing bills with authorization control:

  • The approver, registered in the system as a financial manager, can approve bills payable respecting the limits set and the balance available for bill releases.
  • A superior approver may release bills as long as the set limits are respected and the balance is available.
  • Two or more superior approvers can release bills in accordance with the rule set in Approver x Superior routine (FINA006).
  • Transfers can be made from the original approver to a superior approver.
  • When the original approver is absent, you may transfer the batch of bills to a superior approver.
  • You can reverse bills already released, reversing approver balances.

For the superior to also be able to approve the bills that are with the original approver, the procedure is covered in Operations > Superior.


Before releasing bills, you need to:

  • Set the following parameters: MV_CTLIPAG, MV_FINCTAL, and MV_FINAPXX.
  • Register a Financial Manager (FINA003) for the approval;
  • Set the relationship between Approver x Superior (FINA006);


The bills release routine has two bill release methods, in accordance with the content of parameter MV_FINCTAL.
If parameter MV_FINCTAL is set to 1 - Simple release,the operations of search, manual release, automatic release, cancellation, and caption are kept.

The System records, in the accounts payable table, the release date and the name of the user responsible for the release.
If set to 2 - Authorization, the operations of search, view, balance query, bill release, cancellation, superior release, transfer to superior, and temporary absence are redefined.

In this case, Bills Payable Release behaves differently, because the system will submit bills to authorization evaluation for manager approval based on the available balance respecting the Fixed Fund concept.

If the bill is created by the incoming document, enter the approver's code in the MV_FINAPXX parameter.


Release Bill

This releases the bill for posting when the user who posts is the approver.

To release bills:

  1. In the Payment Release maintenance window, select the bill and choose option Other Actions > Release Bill.
  2. Check the data and choose between the options Approve and Block.
  3. Check whether the routine maintenance window is displaying the bill with a green sphere Image Removed Image Added, indicating that it was released for payment, or dark gray Image Removed Image Added, indicating that the transaction was blocked by the user.


This option releases the bill for posting when the user who posts is superior to the original approver.

To release the bill:

  1. In the Payment Release maintenance window, select the bill and choose option Other Actions > Superior.
  2. Check the data and choose between the options Approve and Block.
  3. Check whether the routine maintenance window is displaying the bill with a light gray sphere Image Removed Image Added, indicating that it was released by another user, or dark gray Image Removed Image Added, indicating that the transaction was blocked by the user.

Sup. Transfer

This transfers a transaction from the original approver to a superior manager.

To transfer to the superior manager:

  1. In the Payment Release maintenance window, select the bill and choose option Other Actions > Sup. Transfer.
  2. Check the data and choose between the options Approve and Block.
  3. Check whether the routine maintenance window is displaying displays the bill with a red sphere Image Removed Image Added, indicating that it is waiting for release, or dark gray Image Removed Image Added , indicating that the transaction was blocked to the superior manager.

Temp. Absence

This transfers several bills from the bill approver (E2_CODAPRO) to the superior manager in case of absence.

To transfer bills by absence. the superior user must access the routine:

  1. In the Payment Release maintenance window, select the Other Actions>Temp. Absence option.
  2. A new window will open. Select the absent approver and the bills that will be transferred from the list.
  3. Check the data and click Transfer.


This option unblocks the bill blocked for transfer.

To unblock the bill:

  1. In the Payment Release maintenance window, select the bill and choose option Other Actions > Unblocking.
  2. Check the data and click Approve.
  3. Check whether the routine maintenance window is displaying displays the bill with a red sphere Image Removed Image Added , indicating that it is waiting for release.


The payment release reversal will bring the bill to status bill awaiting release Image Removed Image Added.

To revert a payment release:

  1. In the Payment Release maintenance window, select the bill and choose option Other Actions > Reverse.
  2. Check the data and click Approve.
  3. Check whether the routine maintenance window is displaying the bill with a blue sphere Image Removed Image Added , indicating that the bill status is back to bill awaiting payment.

To check the approver's balance, in Payment Release, click Balance Query and select a date to query the balance on the calendar.



Deck of Cards






Parameters (SX6)





This tracks postings payable through the release date entered. If set to T, the system checks whether field E2_DATALIB is filled out; otherwise, it does not track them.



Option for transaction release based on the simple or authorization control release format. Ex: 1=Simple Release or 2=Authorization control



The minimum value to post the bill, even if field E2_DATALIB is not filled out, and the content of parameter MV_CTLIPAG is T.



This determines which Financials Date will be used for validation when Releasing Bills Payable. 1=Accounting Date (Typing), 2 = Issue Date      



This blocks PA bills generated by PC with authorization control, unblocking the bill when the PC is release. (T=Yes; F=No)






Generic approver's code for bills in currency XX. Where XX represents the currency code.




  • SE2 - Accounts Payable Register 


Entry point



This displays data on the browse.
Document: F580BROW- Display data on the browse – 11825


Manual release blockage.
Document: FA580LIB - Manual release blockage – 12015


Complementary storage on SE2.
Document: FINA580 - Complementary storage on SE2 – 12066


SE2 storage on manual release.
Document: FINA580A - SE2 storage on authorization release – 12067


User validation on


canceling the release of PA-type bills.
Document: F580VLDPA - User validation on cancelling the release of PA-type bills


User validation on release cancellation
Document: F580CAN - User validation on release cancellation


Change indexes
Document: F580CHAV - Change indexes – 11826


Enable fields
Document: F580MNBR - Enable fields – 11829


Change in the value of bills payable
Document: F580AUTVL - Change in the value of bills payable – 112579


Enter filter
Document: F580FAUT - Enter filter – 11828


Caption change
Document: F580LEGEN - Caption change – 113368


Caption manipulation in the release for posting routine
Document: F580EDLEG - Caption manipulation in the release for posting routine


Adding buttons to the menu
Document: F580ADDB - Adding buttons to the menu


Block automatic release
Document: F580LbA - Block automatic release