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Direct Sales (FATA701 - SIGALOJA)
Direct Sales (FATA701 - SIGALOJA)

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Makes the sale and issues the Invoice with cash control, as well as allow to issue the TEF and printing the Invoice transaction.

The invoice is issued when the option Credit Card or Debit Card is selected, because it generates a TEF operation.


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Printing TEF receipt data on the Invoice must be made in cases where it is possible to use a printer to be issued.

Direct Sales and Assisted Sales

The similarity between Direct Sales and the Assisted Sales result in some aspects unification, such as:

  • Cash concept (Open and Closing).
  • Simplified process without having to neither add a sales order nor inventory and credit approvals.
  • Operation through TEF (Funds Electronic Transfer) for sales using debit and credit cards.


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  • Integrated Direct Sales: Clisitef in non-fiscal printer (Daruma DR 700L).
  • Assisted Sales: Dialed TEF, Pay&Go, Direction and Clisitef in fiscal printer (ECF).

The access to Direct Sales is made through the Invoicing module considering its licensing.

Usage of the sales interface off-line remains restricted to Assisted Sales due to PAF-ECF (applicable only to retail), as well as the working of the Direct Sales does not intervene the Assisted Sales and vice-versa.

The following particularities are guaranteed:

  • The Direct Sales does not print Fiscal Voucher.
  • The Assisted Sales does not print Invoice (except when the user is with AIDF release).
  • The specific taxes of the Invoice do not change the sales values performed in the Assisted Sales.
  • The specific taxes of the Invoice do not change the sales values performed in the Direct Sales.
  • The specific routines of Direct Sales are performed, only when they are accessed by Invoicing.

The Invoice Deletion contemplates the cancellation of but the Direct Sales and the Assisted Sales.

Some requirements of the Assisted Sales are contemplated on the Direct Sales:

  • Non-Sale Reasons (Lost Sales).
  • Multi-negotiation.
  • Sales Suggestion.
  • Several Pre-services in a single sale.
  • Extended Warranty.
  • Future Sale with no Stock.
  • Logistic Redirection.
  • Logistic Redirection Report.
  • Bills Receivable Adjustments.
  • Credit Note with Validity Date.
  • Lightening Promotion.
  • Discount on Next Purchase.
  • Delivery order change.
  • Query stock filter in other branches.
  • Differentiated fees in credit card sales.
  • Credit card promotions.
  • Equivalent Products.


  1. To generate a Direct Sale:
  2. In Direct Sale select a client.
  3. Enter products that make part of the sales and payment method.
  4. Click Recording.
  5. The Invoice is issued.


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It is possible to apply a Discount Value to a specific product, through the routine Discount Rules. The defined value is introduced in Direct Sales, through Disc Value.

To enable the sales scenario, the parameter MV_LJCNVDA must be set to T.

Procedures WITHOUT Product Track Set

  1. In Direct Sales, click
  2. Enter a registered client and complete the fields Import. andFCI Code.
  3. Enter products that make part of the sales and payment method.
  4. Click Set payments [F7].
  5. Click Save as Sale [F5].
  6. The sales is finished.


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With Invoicing set to TSS configure the parameters, issue the invoice and generate the Danfe through Related Features/Danfe.

Procedures WITH Product Track Set

1. In Direct Sales, click Service.

2. Enter a registered customer, the imported item and in Detail Item [F8] and enter the control lot numbers of the product.

3. Click Define Payments [F7].


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In this procedure it is not required to enter Import Val. fields. andFCI Code. The process is automatic by Lot Control.

4. Click Save as Sales [F5].

5. The sales is finished.

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