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Contacts (TMKA070 - SIGATMK)
Contacts (TMKA070 - SIGATMK)

This routine registers contacts (people) to each entity: Clients, Suppliers, Prospects, Suspects, Partners, Competitors and Carriers, allowing that many contacts are associated to entities.


Image RemovedImportant:

Contacts must be classified in the levels 01 to 10 (according to table T6), , in decreasing order, according to importance degree. Degrees are useful to select contacts in the Contact List, in the Call Center.


Adding a contact:

1.  In Contacts, click Add.

2.  The addition window is split into tabs that facilitate managing information:

    • Register - Tab that define contact registration data, such as: Name, Address, Home Phone, Cell Phone, Business Phone, Fax, E-mail, etc.IF V11

In the bottom of the page are available the options Addresses and Phone , where other contact registration data should be added, such as: Address, Home Phone, Cell Phone, Business phone and Fax.


Image RemovedNote:

We can register many addresses and phone numbers, but only one can be defined as standard, using the field Standard (Yes or No). Information set as standard is transfered to the top of the screen and is shown in all routines that use the contact.

    • Profile - Tab that defines personal data related to contact profile, next to its preferences. Are entered: Level, Gender, Date of Birth, Average Income, E-mail Receiving Option, Marital Status, Spouse, Service Hours, etc.
    • Business - Tab that define related business data, such as: Position, Department, Group, etc.

3.  Fill in data according to field help instructions.

4.  Check and confirm data.


This functionality allows to define primary and secondary contacts. Next, it is possible to attach a contact of a superior (Primary Contact) to its subordinates (Secondary Contacts).

Contacts are shown in tree structure, where it is possible to run features such as: view, edit and quick features.

Handling these features respect the business structure, i.e., if the contact does not belong to the sales team, no feature/ quick feature can be made.


1.   In Updates\ Sales\ Accounts\ Contacts, click Related Features\ Subcontacts.

2.   To view the features/ quick features, place the desired contact and click the right button of the mouse.

3.   In the View option it is possible to view the contact register.

4.   When click Edit, the System shows a contact register screen.

5.   In Contact Profile, the System also shows a screen with Entities (client, prospect and suspect) related to the contact.

6.   The option Caption show a screen with and explanation of icons shown in the structure, where:

    • Primary Contact
    • Secondary Contact
    • Secondary Contact/ Primary

7. In case the contact to be manipulated is within the domain defined for the user, the options of features/ quick features remain disabled.

See Also
