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  • Table Definition (GPEA310 - SIGAGPE)

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This routine allows the inclusion and definition of new tables, called auxiliary tables in the Personnel Management module.

The purpose of auxiliary tables is to expand the system's registration data control and calculations. They can be included when it is necessary to store more information for a given record.

Auxiliary tables must be created in the format of list of data in rows and columns.


Some universities/colleges pay a bonus to professors which varies according to his/her degree, besides the regular pay entitled (Class value + PWR + activity hours).

Thus, a professor can earn an extra percentage of his/her wages according to his/her qualification and academic degrees.

Table structure creation with main field definition:



Field Description
























@R 99%

In the defined structure for this table, you may enter each of the degree classifications, with its description and corresponding percentage.

The system determines the table code automatically, always starting by the letter U in order to differentiate it from the tables defined by Microsiga Protheus®. Table classification is set according to the caption.

For the structure and data added to the tables to be used in calculations, a calculation formula must be defined, handling their type and percentages. Otherwise, simply creating a table and filling it out has no effect on calculation results.



Defining tables:

  1. In Table Definition, click Add.
  2. Enter the data according to field help instructions, paying special attention to the following fields:

- Field

Enter the name of each field that is to be part of the table structure.

Image AddedTip:

To know the field's name, use the [F1] key on the field, when it is displayed in a routine, in order to show the field's . The field's name is shown next to the Validation option.

Example: SRA_NOMEFUN, where SRA is the name of the table and NOMEFUN is the name of the field.

- Field Description

Enter the description of the type of information to be displayed in the field.

For the above example, the TIT_DESCR1 field's description indicates that this field holds the professor's degree description.

- Type

Select the type of information to be entered in the field, so that its content is identified. It may be:

- N = Numeric

- C = Character

- D = Date

- Size

It determines the maximum size of the field.

Example: When defining the field's size as 10, its content can be filled out with a maximum of 10 characters.

- Decimal

Enter the maximum number of decimal places when the field is of the numeric type and uses decimals.

- Picture

Define the mask to be used in the field, i.e., the way the information is to be displayed onscreen.

Example: If the field shows a percentage and it is necessary to display it with the % symbol for better viewing, enter a mask of the @R 99 % type.

Image AddedNote:

For further information on possible pictures, see the File\Field Folder topic of the Configurator.

3. Check and confirm the data.

Image AddedImportant:

  • The sum of the sizes of a table's fields is limited to 250 characters.
  • Upon trying to delete an auxiliary table, the system checks whether it is in use in the calculation scripts. If so, it cannot be deleted.


See Also

  • Table Maintenance
