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Implementing process in the modalities Bidding and Trading Floor before the generation of Purchase Orders or Contract, for the company to analyze the best acquisition proposal, showing that the Public Notice already has a pre-defined price. Therefore the following fields are available Hr. Opening and Hr. Public Notice.

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Configure the parameter MV_CNVLASS to validate contract signature date.


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To add an Public Notice:

  1. In Public Notice, click Add for registration.
  2. Fill in the fields and products of the Public Notice according to field

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The field Rule is mandatory. The completion of this field will define the Law or Regulation considered on the preparation of the Public Notice. Codes to complete the field are:

001 - General Bidding Norms and Public Administration Contracts (8666/93);

002 - Bidding and Contracts Regulation SESI / SENAI ( System S ).

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Announcements whose modality for Bidding Release, Invitation, Price Quotation or Concurrence, are validated regarding the Modality X Established value for each one, according to Law No. 8.666 Art. 23 Paragraph I and II.

For the validation, it is mandatory enter the estimated value in fieldQuery Price (CO2_VLESTI).

Total value of the public notice for each modality has the following rule for field parameterization Public Notice Class(CO1_ESPECI), Works and Services or Purchase and Others:

I)Engineering sites and services:

Bidding Release: Up to R$ 15.000,00 or R$ 30.000,00

Invitation: Above R$ 15.000,00 to R$ 150.000,00

Price Quotation: Above R$ 150.000,00 to R$ 1.500.000,00

Concurrence: Over 1,500,000.00

II)       Purchases and Other Services:

Bidding Release: Up to R$ 8.000,00 or R$ 16.000,00

Invitation: Above R$ 8.000,00 to R$ 80.000,00

Price Quotation: Above R$ 80.000,00 to R$ 650.000,00

Concurrence: Over 650,000.00

3. Click Participants to register the Public Notice suppliers.


5. Click OK and confirm procedure.

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1.   The field Query Price is mandatory and its completion can be made directly in field or through the routine Price Check through the option Related Features/ Cons. Price.

2.   Fill out the fields according to field help instructions.

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1.   The Announcements Lower Price Floor Trading and Concurrence (lower price or price quotation) can belong to the Price Record System.

2.   Click OK and confirm procedure.