Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Debit Note aims at documenting the complement of a note previously issued. The complement can exist because of several reasons, including adjustments due to difference in prices, interest, fines, etc.

Help_buttonImage ModifiedTip:

Both credit and debit notes are complementary to invoices previously issued. Even if there is no binding with any original invoice, they are compulsory.

To import the PMS associated with an Inbound Invoice to a Debit Note, configure the parameter MV_IMPPMS and enter No in the question Group Products during routine parameterization.

Notice the following types of notes:

Own Form\Type of Note

D - Debit

C - Credit








  • NCP - Supplier Credit Note


In Related Actions, some options are available, depending on the type of note selected:



Special Key

Query Stock


Original Document


Packing Slip




Special Key

Apportionment of Item per Cost Center


7. At the bottom of the window, you can find the Footer Folders, in which data are distributed into folders.

8. Check data and confirm them.

Help_buttonImage ModifiedImportant:

Image Added Image Added   Before generating Notes, check the register of the Form Control. This control checks if the forms used to print tax documents have authorization. The document number is also validated and must belong to the range registered for the series.


  See  See Also

  • Linking Credit and Debit Notes to Projects in SIGAPMS
  • Types of Documents
  • Form Control


Image Added

  • GST Calculation in the Purchase Order routine
  • LCT Calculation in the Purchase Order routine
  • CDU Calculation in the Purchase Order routine
  • FUE Calculation in the Inbound Invoice routine
  • EXC Calculation in the Inbound Invoice routineEND


  • Additional Tax (IAD) Calculation in the Inbound Invoice routineEND


Image Added

  • Calculation of Value Added Tax (VAT) in the Inbound Invoice routine
  • Calculation of Selective Consumption Tax (ISC) in the Inbound Invoice routine
  • Income Tax Withholding Withholding        (RIR) in the Inbound Invoice routineEND

IF URU        Image Added                                                                                                  

  • Withholding Tax (IRF) in the Inbound Invoice routineEND
