Páginas filhas
  • Asset Maintenance (SIGAMNT)

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  • Control of Asset Maintenance:
  • Multi-company;
  • Multi-branch;
  • Multi-tasks;
  • Multi-stages;
  • Multi-inputs.
  • You can define asset structure;
  • Unlimited number of Structure levels;
  • Complete document of Asset;
  • You can easily find Asset of Structure because Main Asset is in Maintenance reports;
  • Automatic allocation of Stock Items, Tools, Labor force and Third Parties for Service Order based on definition of inputs required for maintenance;
  • You can define many Maintenances for each Asset and relate all Tasks to be performed for each Maintenance;
  • You can generate general Maintenance Plan for all company or define scope of Plan module through Parameters. It can be done in Cost Center, Work Center, Maintenance Area or Asset;
  • You can generate Service Orders of Maintenance Plan for Assets controlled by Time, Counter or Production;
  • In Plan generation, inputs required for Maintenance are checked and generate information in files containing problems in case any input required is not available for date to perform Service Order and even if Asset is not available (blocked by PPC);
  • Generation of Purchase Request of Items for Maintenance and are not available in Company Stock;
  • Generation of Production Orders for Items required for Maintenance which are not available in Company Stock but are manufactured by Company;
  • Accounting of expenses with Maintenance through integration with Stock/Costs Module.

Image ModifiedTip:

Queries of charts of Asset Maintenance module are available in platform Windows 98.