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  • Estimated Delivery Authorizations (MATA653 - SIGACOM)

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Estimated Delivery Authorizations (MATA653 - SIGAEST)
Estimated Delivery Authorizations (MATA653 - SIGAEST)

Delivery authorizations generated from the opening of a manual production order estimated or generated by the execution of the routine MRP (Material Requirement Planning) can be reclassified as firm through this option. A delivery authorization is considered estimated while the purchase is not approved yet. Thus, amounts of physical and financial balances are considered as estimated. Once confirmed, the delivery authorization becomes firm, that is, it is released for delivery.


Changing status of estimated delivery authorizations:

  1. In Estimated DAs, select the desired authorization.
  2. Select Confirm DAs.

Confirmation is requested to release the DAs selected.

3. Check data and confirm.


Help_buttonImage RemovedTip:

·    Estimated DAs can be deleted by this routine. Only the DAs selected are deleted, and values of physical and financial balances are returned.

·    If the MV_TPOPDOC parameter is configured as .T., Estimated Delivery Authorizations and Estimated Purchase Requests are performed by document and not by item.

See Also
