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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


  • It is only possible to add one matrix per product and validity, and the sum of the percentages must always be equal to 100%.
  • It allows generating delivery authorizations for various participating suppliers of the matrix, each delivery authorization being controlled by a different contract (of the respective supplier);
  • It allows controlling balances (receivable and already received) by the supplier;

Help_buttonImage ModifiedNote:

After registering the Supply Matrix you may generate a Delivery Authorization, using the M.R.P., Production Orders, Requirement Write-off and Generate A.E. per Contract.



  • The MV_MATRIZF parameter must be set as .T.
  • In Products register, register a finished product. Also register a raw-material product. This product is to be supplied via Supply Matrix, thus it must have Partnership Contract and, for such, the Contract field must be filled out with Yes.
  • Add a Structure for the finished product in the 1 x 1 proportion (Amount of raw material = 1 to produce 1 finished product).
  • There must be previously registered suppliers to meet the raw material purchase needs.
  • There must be a Partnership Contract registered for each existing supplier.END
