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DEISS - Teófilo Otoni MG (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
DEISS - Teófilo Otoni MG (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

This routine enables generation of magnetic file referring to Deiss. This statement meets the fulfillment of municipal tax obligations to collect Tax on Service of Any Class (ISSQN).


To whom it is applicable


To all service provider and acquirer, resident in the municipality of Teófilo Otoni, ISSQN taxpayer or not, including bodies, companies and direct or indirect public management institutions, individual companies, joint ownerships, associations, unions and notary offices, even if there is not ISSQN due or withheld at source and even if ISSQN is to due to the Municipality of Teófilo Otoni.




Meet the fulfillment of municipal tax obligations to collect ISSQN.




Municipal - Teófilo Otoni - Minas Gerais


Delivery Term


Pursuant to Article 5 Decree 5,363 dated 3/30/07, statement delivery must be performed monthly, until day 15 of the upcoming month of the generating factor.


Application provided by tax authorities


Deiss - Electronic Statement of Tax on Service (On-line validation)


Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Version 2


Where to find the application provided by tax authorities



Legislation contemplated


Decree 5,363

Ordinances 021/2000

Types of Records Created

Record Type H - File Identifier

Information obtained through the Companies File and the routine configuration wizard.

Record Type N - Information on Invoices Issued and Received

Information obtained from Tax Records, Customers File, Suppliers File and Header from Inflow and Outflow Invoices.

Record Type I - Items of Invoices Issued and Received

Information obtained through items of inflow and outflow invoices.

Record Type D - Exclusive Record for Civil Construction Statement (Not Mandatory).

Record Type D is not considered by Microsiga Protheus®.

Record Type F - Invoicing Information

Information obtained through Customers File, Suppliers File, Headers from Inflow and Outflow Invoices and routine wizard.

Record Type T - File Trailer

Information obtained during information processing.

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