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  • Auditfis - EFD SOFTEAM Integration (MATA950 - SIGAFIN)

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Auditfis - EFD SOFTEAM Integration (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
Auditfis - EFD SOFTEAM Integration (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

This routine enables generation of files for integration with validation system of the SPED Fiscal from SOFTTEAM. These files are generated from an ini file, which is AUDITFIS.ini.

Transactions in the period entered are processed and files are generated in the format established in the layout released by SOFTTEAM.


To whom it is applicable


Companies interested in transferring tax information to SOFTTEAM system, in order to validated them.




Sharing of tax information using SOFTTEAM system.


Contemplated version of the layout



Types of records generated


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Layout is organized in files in text format, where each type of record is generated in a different file. Names of the files are generated with the following structure:


  • AA = Two last digits of the year;
  • MM = Number of the month;
  • EEEE = Company (with two zeroes on the left, since in Microsiga Protheus® environment, the company is identified by 2 characters);
  • FFFF = Branch (with two zeroes on the left, since in Microsiga Protheus® environment, the company is identified by 2 characters);
  • XX = Number of record established by the layout.

Record Type 75 - Products

The information in this record is taken from products file (SB1).


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For the proper generation of Record 75 - (Product), System must contemplate field Product Validity Date, in Product File, and it must be filled before generating files. If it is not created, System contemplates field Initial Consumption Date, also present in Product File and previously used, to compose data.

Record Type 140 – Measurement Units

Information in this record is taken from measurement unit file (SAH).

Record Type 180 - Unit Conversion Factors

Information in this record is taken from products file (SB1).

Record Type 150 - Operation Class

Information in this record is taken from TIO file (SF4).

Record Type 801 - Customers / Suppliers (Participants)

Information in this record is taken from Customers (SA1) and Suppliers (SA2) files.

Record Type 160 – Additional Information of Fiscal Document

Information in this record is taken from Additional Information file (CCE).

Record Type 170 - Additional Information File

This record is generated from notes and calculation entries from fiscal documents.

Record Type 301 - Invoices - Outflow Master

This record is generated from tax records and it is composed by all models of invoices.

Record Type 303 - Invoices - Outflow Items

This record is generated from tax records and it is composed by all models of invoices.

Record Type 310 - Invoices - Inflow Master

This record is generated from Tax Records information and it is composed by all models of Invoices:

Record Type 311 - Invoices - Inflow Items

This record is generated from tax records and it is composed by all models of invoices.

Record Type 190 - Complement Invoice - Additional Information

This record is generated from complements of fiscal documents.

Record Type 191 - Complement Invoice - Referenced Processes

This record is generated from Referenced Processes File (CDG).

Record Type 193 - Invoice Complement - Referenced Document

This record is generated from Referenced Document File (CDD).

Record Type 194 - Invoice Complement - Referenced Fiscal Coupon

This record is generated from Referenced Coupons File (CDE).

Record Type 195 - Invoice Complement -  Collection and Delivery Location

This record is generated from Place of the Collection and Delivery File (CDF).

Record type 196 - Referenced Collection Document

This record is generated from Referenced Collection Document(CDC).

Record Type 200 - Invoice Compl. – Invoice

This record is generated from Bills file (SE1 e SE2), being considered bills generated from Invoices within bookkeeping period.

Record Type 201 - Invoice Compl. - Invoice Installments

This record is generated from Bills files (SE1 e SE2), being considered bills generated from Invoices within bookkeeping period.

Record Type 305 - Service Invoice Complement – Master

This record is generated from tax records and it is composed by conjugated invoices (ISS + ICMS).

Record Type 306 - Service Invoice Complement – Items

This record is generated from tax records and it is composed by conjugated invoices (ISS + ICMS). 

Record type 110M - Piped Water Invoice Complement – Master

This record is generated from of Invoice Items file (SD1 and SD2), and is composed by 'S' invoices (service).

Record type 110I - Piped Water Invoice Complement – Items

This record is generated from tax records and it is composed by with the following model:

  • Piped Water Supply Invoice, Model 29.

Record type 120M - Piped Gas Invoice Complement – Master

This record is generated from tax records and it is composed by with the following model:

  • Piped Water Supply Invoice, Model 29.

Record type 120I - Piped Gas Invoice Complement – Items

This record is generated from tax records and it is composed by with the following model:

  • Gas Consumption Invoice, Model 28.

Record type 130M - Electric Power Invoice Complement – Master

This record is generated from tax records and it is composed by with the following model:

  • Invoice/Electric Power Bill, Model 6.

Record type 130I - Electric Power Invoice Complement – Items

This record is generated from tax records and it is composed by Invoices of the following models:

  • Invoice/Electric Power Bill, Model 6.

Record type 100M - Communication/Telecommunication Invoice Complement – Master

This record is generated from tax records and it is composed by Invoices of the following models:

  • Communication Service Invoice, Model 21;
  • Telecommunication Service Invoice, Model 22.

Record type 100I - Communication/Telecommunication Invoice Complement – Items

This record is generated from tax records and it is composed by Invoices of the following models:

  • Communication Service Invoice, Model 21;
  • Telecommunication Service Invoice, Model 22.

Record Type 250 - Complement Invoice - Fiscal Document Notes

This record is generated from Fiscal Document Entries (CDA).

Record Type 251 - Complement Invoice - Other Tax Obligations, Adjustments and Information from Values deriving from the Document

This record is generated from Fiscal Document Entries (CDA) and Entries of ICMS Calculation File (CC6).

Record Type 210 - Complement Invoice - Operations with Fuel (Transport)

This record is generated from the Fuel Complements (CD6).

Record Type 211 - Complement of Invoice Item - Fuel Storage

This record is generated from the Fuel Complements File (CD6).

Record Type 220 - Complement of Invoice Item – Medications

This record is generated from Medication Complement file (CD7).

Record Type 230 - Complement Of Invoice Item - Firearms

This record is generated from Firearm Complements file (CD8).

Record Type 240 - Complement of Invoice Item - New Vehicles

This record is generated from Vehicle file (CD9).

Record Type 85 - Invoice Complement – Export

This record is generated from Export Complement file (CDL).

Record Type 90 - Invoice Complement - Import

This record is generated from Import Complement file (CD5).

Record Type 260 - Complement Invoice – Transports

This record is generated from Tax Records only when integrated with TMS and it is composed by invoices of the following models:

  • Transport Service Invoice, Model 7.
  • Road Transport Waybill, Model 8.
  • Water Transport Waybill, Model 9.
  • Air Transport Waybill, Model 10.
  • Train Transport Waybill, Model 11.

Record Type 74 – Inventory

This record is obtained from Tables SB1 (Products), SB6 (Balance held by Third Party) and SB9 (Initial Balances).


Record type 91 – Participant History

This record is generated from Changes History File (AIF).

Record type 92 - Product History

This record is generated from Changes History File (AIF).

Tax Receipt

Record type 60A – Tax Receipt - Detailed

This record is generated from Tax Receipt files (SFI/SLG).

Record type 60E – Tax Receipt - Machine

This record is generated from Tax Receipt files (SFI/SLG).

Record type 60I – Tax Receipt - Items

This record is generated from Tax Receipt and Tax Records Files (SFI/SLG/SFT).

Record type 60M – Tax Receipt - Master

This record is generated from Tax Receipt File (SFI).