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This routine allows generation of a preformatted file of Administrative Rule CAT 44, with data on existing merchandise in stock, according to Appendix II of said Administrative Rule.

To whom it is applicable

ICMS taxpayer obliged to pay tax due to its own outflow operation and to operations referring to existing merchandise in stock.


Organize collection and fulfillment of accessory obligations regarding existing merchandise in stock on the day prior to the start of the Tax Substitution regime.


State - São Paulo

Delivery Term

Until 15/05/2008

Application provided by tax authorities

Validation Program of Inventory Files.

Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find the application made available by Tax Authority

Legislation contemplated

Administrative Rule CAT 44, of March 28, 2008.


Types of Records Created

Record Type 1 - Header - Establishment Master


This record is generated from information of the routine wizard.

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