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  • Annual ITF Calculation (FINA930 - SIGAFIN)

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For composition of operations of clearance of bills between portfolios, bills whose nature levies ITF are considered, defined in the field Levy ITF in Nature register Class register.

If tax must be withheld, due to clearance transactions between portfolios, this routine generates a bill payable for the Federal Government (according to the supplier defined in the parameter MV_UNIAO).

Image ModifiedImportant:

  • The reference nature used for ITF is defined in the parameter MV_NATITF.
  • The parameter MV_CALCITF must be active so that the routine makes the process.



For annual ITF calculation:


2. Fill out data according to field help instructions.

3. Check and confirm it.

Image ModifiedImportant:

If there is already any bill payable for this supplier on the payment date selected and with the same reference nature, processing is not made and a message is displayed, avoiding double payment.

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