Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


  • Generate payable trade notes for selected sales representative (Financial environment) or commission proceeds directly in payroll (Personal Management environment).


Refer to topic Integration with personal management environment.

  • Select the commissions that will be generated during processing, which means, those generated by issue, by write-off or both;
  • Allows the definition of a period for the update to be processed.
  • Allow selection of sales representative that will participate in the process;
  • inform the payment date.
  • Establishes transaction accounting, which means, it indicates if it is on-line, when confirming the transaction, or off-line.
  • Filters a range of commissions due date to be processed and establishes the date in which it is considered as commission payment date, if due date of the commission or date considered in the previous parameter Payment Date.


7. After processing, the system updates commissions payment date.

Image ModifiedTip:

The system also enables the routine to operated on branches data. In the parameters configuration screen, choose Yes to the question Select Branches? and select branches range.


See Also

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