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  • The system checks if the class registered allows calculation of INSS through the field Calculate INSS?, and its respective percentage through the field INSS Perc.
  • In the Customer File, it checks if the field Calculate INSS? is filled out with Yes.


The system uses the following parameters:

  • MV_INSS - Indicates the class for classifying the INSS bill.
  • MV_VLRETIN - Indicates the minimum amount for exemption from payment, without generating the bill.


When a class that calculates INSS (8%) and a customer who must calculate the INSS have been registered, while adding a bill receivable for R$ 1,000.00 for this customer using this class, it can be verified that the INSS field shall be filled out automatically with the amount of R$ 80.00. 

Image ModifiedTip:

Note that system generates a bill of R$ 80.00, type IN-, relating to the INSS amount, as a discount, without changing the original bill amount. This amount will be discounted only when the bill is written-off.