Name | Description | Content |
MV_GCPALDT | It requests the edition of database. | PB,HO,TP,AD,AC,PX |
MV_GCPDOC | The path to save the files created. | \samples\documents\gcp\doc\ |
MV_GCPDOT | The path that stores .dot (model) files. | \samples\documents\gcp\dot\ |
MV_GCPHOMG | A .dot file with the Ratification Notice model. | GCP_EXTHOM |
MV_GCPLOJ | Code of Store of participating Suppliers. | 01 |
MV_GCPMCLI | Modalities of a participant and a customer (SA1). | LL\ |
MV_GCPPARE | It activates the permissions register. | .T. |
MV_GCPPORT | SMTP server port. | 25 |
MV_GCPPRD | A .dot file with the Resolution Notice model. | GCP_RESDIR |
MV_GCPRATP | It defines the proration by orders placed in the public notice. T=Prorate. F=Do not prorate. | .F. |
MV_GCPTERM | A .dot file with the Ratification Term model. | GCP_TERHOM |
MV_ |
It generates PO (Production Order) of the intermediate product, from the PO of the main product. The system displays the following options:
T - It Generates It (used when the Drummer APS is configured not to generate POs in its process).
F - It Does Not Generate It (used when the Drummer APS is configured to generate POs, to avoid, in the outburst of materials via web service, that the need for duplicate intermediate products be not generated).
It generates purchase request from addition of production order. The system displays the following options:
T - It Generates It: used when the Drummer APS is configured not to generate purchase requests in its process.
T - It Does Not Generate It: used when the Drummer APS is configured to generate purchase requests, avoiding the duplication of needs.
GERIMPV | It determines whether the company uses script to calculate variables taxes (internationalization). | N |
MV_GRADE | It activates the use of product grid feature: T - It activates the use of Product Grid. F - It deactivates the use of Product Grid. | T |
MV_GRUPO | It determines how many positions of the product code are used to identify the break per group in some reports. | 5 |