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  • Building Benefits to Customer (MATA030 - SIGAFIN)

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Binding Benefits to Customer (MATA030 - SIGAFAT)
Binding Benefits to Customer (MATA030 - SIGAFAT)

Through this option of Other Actions menu, you can bind the benefit of a certain customer. In this register, the benefits for customer branch are viewed, then you can add and edit these benefits. The presentation of this binding is related to the existence of SA1 entity registered in benefits criterion sequence of SIGAGPE module.

Binding benefits must be only displayed if parameter MV_TECXRH is enabled (.T.).


  • To have Profile 360 installed.
  • To have Benefits Binding installed.
  • To check if parameters MV_TECXRH and MV_CRMP360 are enabled.


1. Access Updates/ CRM Adm. Sales/Profile 360/Start Load of Routines.

2. The following message Do you want to load Profile 360? Click Yes to confirm.

3. Wait load confirmation. After doing it, parameter MV_CRMP360 is disabled. If necessary, load again, parameter must be enabled.

4. Access Updates/ CRM Adm. Sales/Profile 360/ Routines Profile 360  and check Benefits Binding was generated.

5. Access Updates/ CRM Adm. Sales/Profile 360/User Roles. When accessing Protheus with Profile 360 for the first time, Profile 360 Role is loaded for Administrator and Administrators Group. All users belonging to the administrators group and the administrator user have access to all system routine.

6. Access Updates/ Registers/Customers. In menu Other Actions of Profile 360, registered routines do not exist.

7. Access Updates/ CRM Adm. Sales/Profile 360. Start load must be executed before an administrator user.

8. Access User Roles of Profile 360.

9. Click Add.

10.  Complete the fields:

    • Description: enter role description.
    • Context: enter context description (Profile 360 submenu). Example: Services.
    • In the routine list, press F3 to locate routine Benefits Binding.
    • In the tab Users, enter user code.

11.  Click Save.

12.  Access Updates/ Registers/Customers.

13.  Place customer with binding, then click Other Actions/Profile 360/Services/Benefits Binding.

14.  In the grid of associated benefits, enter the benefit type through standard query or manually enter.

15.  Enter code, description and benefit value.

16.  Click Save.

17.  Click Caption  and entities hierarchy is displayed.

18.  To edit a record, place a customer and click Other Actions/Profile 360/ Services/Benefits Binding. Make the needed changes and click Save.

19.  To delete a record, place a customer and click Other Actions/Profile 360/ Services/Benefits Binding. Click Delete and confirm deletion.

See Also 
