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Suppliers (MATA020 - SIGAEST)
Suppliers (MATA020 - SIGAEST)

This routine allows to register supplier type: Natural Person, Corporate Entity, or Others (Foreign - used for import). Supplier payment is made through payable titles generated by inflow documents register, or by manual registers using the available resources in the Finances module.

Data generated and moved to the supplier, in the module Finances, update the Financial Position Query from the Supplier, stressing: Balance in payable invoices, Greatest purchase, First purchase, Last purchase, Greatest balance, Average delay, Purchase amount, Outstanding titles, Paid titles, among others.

Due completion of this register is important to define the complete profile of the supplier. Data to be used in other System routines.


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Supplier is the entity that has the purpose to supply product requirements, or services of a company, national or not.

When the supplier is a renderer or services, the register must exist in the Product Register.

When ERP Protheus has an integration with the Shipping Freight Management (SIGAGFE), this register is integrated with the routine Issuer Register (GFEA015).


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It is important to highlight also the register of bindings Product x Supplier Product Supplier and Group x Supplier, because they bind a Supplier to one or more Products, or Groups of Products. But the System allows to receive products and services from other suppliers, even without a binding.

The bindings Product x Supplier and Group x Supplier are essential for the generation of Purchase Quotation from the Purchase Request.

Check also the topics: Purchase Requests and Generate Quotations.

Specific Objectives by environment

  • Agricultural Management

If the Schedule routine and the EAI Adapter are configured, we have the integration between TIN (TOTVS Real State Enterprising) and Microsiga Protheus® for sending and receiving XML files according to the XSD ratified by TOTVS®.

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The parameter MV_AGCUSTO is available to use the grouping of costs by companies or branches making the calculation on-line (directly from the tables of balances SB2).


TFS Integration

It is possible to integrate TFS with the Suppliers routine through the XML file, therefore it is necessary configure the E.A.I. Adapter with the message CustomerVendor.


To register a supplier:

  1. In Suppliers, select Add.

The system shows a screen addition split into folders that facilitate information management.

2. Fill out data according to field help  instructions.

3. Notice the completion of some fields in the following tabs:

  • Registration Folder
  • Manag./Fin. Tab
  • Taxes Tab
  • Purchases Tab
  • TMS Tab
  • Others Folder

4. Check data and confirm procedure.

For each supplier, we van list several contacts. Check item Relating Contacts for more information.


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  Image RemovedWhen the VAT percentage is lower than 100% it is impossible to delete the supplier.


To bind a NIF to a supplier:

NIF is the number offered by the foreign tax management organ indicating corporate entity or natural person. In case of acquisition, the NIF is bound to the acquired service supplier.

  1. In Manufacturer/Supplier, select a supplier and clickEdit.
  2. A screen Suppliers is shown. On the folder Foreign Resident, complete the field NIF Code with the desired content.
  3. Click Confirm to save.

See Also

  • Related Features
  • Query Supplier Position
  • Supplier Report
  • Supplier Position Report
  • Protheus x Solum Integration


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