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Processes Involved (Protheus TOP - Integrations)
Processes Involved (Protheus TOP - Integrations)

Once registers are integrated, the operational flow between the systems starts with the inclusion of a Project in RM Solum. This integration is the only one that is asynchronous, that is, you must run SIGAPMS to view the project in Microsiga Protheus®.


The two main processes started and executed by the integration from Solum are:

  • Generation of Request to Warehouse, added according to the requirement for material of a project in TOTVS Works and Projects (Solum).
  • Financial control, originated by the process of contract measurement in TOTVS Works and Projects (Solum).



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Every integration originated in Solum and added into Microsiga Protheus® is made via Web Service.

Another important process of integration is the registration of Bills Payable, called Single Expense. This process is from Microsiga Protheus® to Solum. This integration is made via Stored Procedures, similar to the registers.

Requirement for Materials 

Requirement for materials of a project in Solum generates a Request to the Warehouse in Microsiga Protheus®. The number of this Request is returned to Solum during creation.

From this moment, the control for material request follows the flow of SIGACOM module from Microsiga Protheus®, that is, generation of Purchase Request (according to the parameterization), Purchase Order, Inflow Invoice, and the process is completed by the Request Write-off, considering that the project requirement in Solum was met.


Contract Measurement

This integration generates movements in Microsiga Protheus®, originated from the process of Contract Measurement Invoicing from Solum.

Projects are added into Solum, and several measurements of each contract are made during the construction. Values contracted and added into Solum are generated and integrated with Microsiga Protheus® as Purchase Orders in order to receive the tax document later.

Contract measurement in Solum can be also apportioned or not in cost centers pre-registered and already integrated between both systems. Remember that Cost Center must be registered in Microsiga Protheus® and, if parameterized, makes the load in Solum tables.

The advance on a contract measurement can be also made in this phase or in another moment. This process generates advance bills payable and receivable in Microsiga Protheus®, which can be cleared later through Purchase and Sales Orders generated by the process of Contract Measurement.


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The process of contract withholding is not included in this project phase and it must be controlled through movements of Financials from Microsiga Protheus®. This functionality is disabled in RM Solum.

Single Expense

The entry of bills payable in Microsiga Protheus® generates a movement in RM Solum, called Single Expense. Just as the processes of registration originated in Microsiga Protheus®, this integration is also made through Procedures, directly on RM Solum database.

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