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  • Stored Procedures

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How to configure stored procedures


Microsiga Protheus


11 and 12

Step by step:

Stored Procedures are SQL commands whose purpose is to optimize the search in the database for certain information. In Protheus, some routines have specific stored procedures to speed up routine interaction with the database. Here is how to install these stored procedures.

The first step is to download the Stored Procedures package from the Customer Portal. Follow the steps below:

titleFor Protheus 11, click here

- Access the Customer Portal: http://suporte.totvs.com
- Menu Downloads and Updating
- Protheus Line
- Microsiga Protheus Version 11
- All
- Category: Stored procedure

Note: if versions are not being displayed, in "Filters of packages", select "All packages available", then select the category again.

titleFor Protheus 12, click here

- Access the Customer Portal: http://suporte.totvs.com
- Menu Downloads and Updates
- Protheus Line
- Protheus Version 12 Framework
- All
- Category: Stored procedure

Note: if versions are not being displayed, in "Filters of packages", select "All packages available", then select the category again.

After downloading the package, go to the Protheus System folder and make a backup of the .sps files. Then, unzip the package in the System folder.

- Access Configurator > Database > Dictionary > Stored Procedure

- On the Operation Type screen, first select Query and check for old Stored Procedures. If there is, return to this menu, and under Operation Type select Uninstall. On the next screen, check the Stored Procedures you want to remove and click Confirm.

- After this process, to install the new Stored Procedures, select Installation in the Operation Type screen.

- Check which Stored Procedures packages you want to install (or check Select All), and click Confirm.

- A message will be displayed indicating that it will be compiled into the database.

- On the next screen, select which companies will receive Stored Procedures, and click OK.

- Wait for the installation to be processed. At the end, you will see this message:
