Páginas filhas
  • C-Tree Cleaning

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

To clean the C-tree cleaning, follow these steps:
For the entire Protheus environment, Protheus servers (Master Balance and Slave´s), Licenses and WorkFlow (if separated);

  • Stop Ctree Server service;
  • Delete index files (*.CDX, .IDX and *.IND) of Protheus in the SYSTEM folder or equivalent;
  • Delete the contents of folder CTREEINT, created in the SYSTEM folder;
  • Delete the Protheus index files (*.CDX) in folder PROFILE instantiated in PROTHEUS_DATA;
  • Delete the contents of folder CTREEINT, created in the PROFILE folder;
  • Remove of the folder where the CtreeServer is installed the files with extension *.FCS (the ideal is to create a folder to save them as backup and future analysis, removing them from original folder);
  • Upload CtreeServer;
  • Start at least one Protheus service, if balance exists.
  • Access STAND ALONE in the system to create the indexes, thus avoiding competition in the system. If there are more companies, you must enter one by one to create the indexes. You can use the Configurator Module to create indexes, as it does not carry base tables, then release to system will be faster;
  • After the creation of all indexes of all companies, exit Module that was accessed;
  • Stop the CtreeServer service and upload it again (restart);
  • Start all Protheus services and release access to users.