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Purchase Request

Purchase Request is a document that authorizes a purchaser to make a purchase. For either productive or unproductive materials, the purchase request is required for a production program, a project being developed, or the general company supply. The document contains what must be purchased, the amount, the delivery deadline, the delivery location, and, in some special cases, the probable suppliers.

At first, any user in the company can generate Purchase Requests if there are no restrictions.

The Purchase Request is the initial process of the purchase and can be generated:


by controlling economic lot and point of order.

by the production order need.

by the request for products at the warehouse.

Next to each purchase request, there is an indication about its classification according to the option Caption, available in the menu.


Image ModifiedNote:

Through the parameter MV_PMSCBLQ, you can block changes and exclusions of Purchase Requests generated via Planning routine.

The parameter MV_RATDUPL allows row duplicity of the apportionment by cost center of the Purchase Request, fromPurchase Orders and Inflow Document.

Parameter MV_SCSLDBL allows to use the Estimated Qty. field only when the purchase order is released.


TOP Integration - TOTVS Works and Projects

The integration with the module Purchases with TOP - TOTVS Works and Projects enables viewing, inserting and/or changing the Purchase Requests made on TOP to Protheus.


Adding a purchase request manually:

1.In Purchase Request, all the requests in the system are displayed.

2.Press [F12] to define the parameters.

A screen is displayed to configure the parameters.

3.Enter the field whose product description will be used.

It can be the field B5_CEME that has the scientific name of the product. This field can be used only if the Product Complement Register is duly filled out since the field belongs to this register. Another option is the field B1_DESC which stores the description of the Product Register.

4.Confirm it to return to the request screen.

5.Select Add.

The window Purchase Request - Add is displayed, divided into the areas:


In this area, the following data are entered: purchase request number (suggested automatically), requester (current user), issue date, requesting unit, delivery branch, etc.


In this area, the following data are entered: product code, measurement unit, amount, second measurement unit, amount in the second measurement unit, note to be printed in the purchase order, production order, cost center, ledger account, standard supplier/store, product imported, routine that generated it, delivery branch, residual elimination, original amount, etc.

6.In the Header area, fill out data according to field help instructions.

7.In the Items area, fill out data according to field help instructions.

8.Note, however, the following fields:

9.Check data and confirm the inclusion.

To proceed with the purchase process, check the topics:


Image ModifiedImportant:

To determine whether adding of the Purchase Request / Delivery Authorization is of the Estimated or Firm Type, the OP Type field must be configured.


Related Features

It tracks process flows in the window View.

Example of tracking a Purchase Request:

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Query Product History

It enables you to view the product purchase history, containing data concerning the last orders made, the last quotations, the consumption, the last invoices, the balance in stock query, etc. Besides, it displays the product registration data.

To view the query, in the maintenance window, when a purchase request is added, changed, deleted, or viewed, place the cursor on the product you want an clickQuery Product History.

Approval Log

When activated it displays the interface to view the document's pending approval.

See Also



The following reports are available for this routine:
