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With this routine you can register the data of courses aiming at training the employees of a company. The system associates each course to an entity responsible for rendering it, to duration time and costs, and enables the register of material required to perform the course.

The courses can be also classified as Lectures, Events or Workshops.

After defining the courses, you can develop a planning for each area and define a training schedule for the employees. It is also possible to control the costs of training by employee and annual costs for the company.

Budget of Training/Courses

The system allows to calculate the rendered courses, through integration between the environments of Training and Material, where it is possible to compare content, price and class hours of each entity. In order to achieve this control, the Training Planning feeds the Purchase Request, through option Generate Purchase Request.

Training Suggestion

Once the courses are registered, they are attached to competencies and abilities in order to evaluate and generate the training need, in an automatic way, through Training Suggestion, according to abilities x competencies defined for an employee.



To control the valuation between the environments Training and Purchases, you must observe the following procedures:

  1. Every training must be registered as a product, with its code later related in Course Register.
  2. Every entity must be registered as a supplier, with its code related in Entity Register.
  3. Courses and entities must be associated in their respective registers, so the system can generate the relationship product x supplier in the budget control.
  4. In Training Schedule, through Planning field, the system updates the schedule with planning information, where the data related to supplier and training cost is displayed, if a purchase request is generated.
  5. See the flow of the process of Course Valuation:



To register courses:

1. In Subjects, select Add.

2. Fill in data according to field help instructions.

3. For Training and Positions and Salaries environments, the system displays the addition screen, subdivided in folders.

On the right side of the screen, the following folders are available:

Course folder

In this folder, data of the course must be informed, such as the description, type of course, duration and value.

Check the following field of this folder:

Product (RA1_PROD)

The product code corresponding to the course must be informed in this field, for binding of product x supplier, generating training quotations, through integration with Purchases environment.

Entity folder

In this folder, the entities that can render the course must be related. The entities must be associated to the courses, so the system can generate the relationship product x supplier in budget control.

Register of Entities

Material folder

In this folder, the training material necessary to the course must be related, as well as the identification of the person responsible for this material, whether the company itself or the entity.

Register of Training Material

Subject folder

With this folder, you can relate the subjects that will compose the courses, with their respective class hours. In the addition of data, you may update the class hours and the course duration. If you choose to update, the system updates the field Hours, from Course folder.

4. Fill out data according to field help instructions.

5. Check and confirm data.

6. In the menu, the following options are available:


7. Select them according to necessity, following help instructions.  


See Also

  • Integration of SIGATRM with Datasul EPM/AMS