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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.




Period Discount %

Discount percentage for the period.

This discount is only available when the Discounts and Bonuses module is deployed and properly parameterized to grant discounts per period.

Term Discount %

Displays the discount percentage by average payment term.


This discount is only available when the Discounts and Bonuses module is implemented and properly parameterized to grant discounts per payment term.

This discount is set in the payment term CD0404.

Grant Bonus Qty

When checked, it indicates that a bonus will be granted by quantity. 

Discount 1

Percentage or value found in the search for the best discount from the discount table, to be applied for the first discount, defined in Discount Table Maintenance - CD1558.

The field name (example Discount (1)) is displayed as defined in the feature Discounts and Bonuses Parameter Maintenance - BN0301 when the Discounts and Bonuses module is deployed.

Discount 2

Percentage or value found in the search for the best discount from the discount table, to be applied for the second discount, defined in Discount Table Maintenance - CD1558.

The field name (example Discount (2)) is displayed as defined in the feature Discounts and Bonuses Parameter Maintenance - BN0301 when the Discounts and Bonuses module is deployed.

Discount 3

Percentage or value found in the search for the best discount from the discount table, to be applied for the third discount, defined in Discount Table Maintenance - CD1558.

The field name (example Discount (3)) is displayed as defined in the feature Discounts and Bonuses Parameter Maintenance - BN0301 when the Discounts and Bonuses module is deployed.

Discount 4

Percentage or value found in the search for the best discount from the discount table, to be applied for the fourth discount, defined in Discount Table Maintenance - CD1558.

The field name (example Discount (4)) is displayed as defined in the feature Discounts and Bonuses Parameter Maintenance - BN0301 when the Discounts and Bonuses module is deployed.

Discount 5

Percentage or value found in the search for the best discount from the discount table, to be applied for the fifth discount, defined in Discount Table Maintenance - CD1558.

The field name (example Discount (5)) is displayed as defined in the feature Discounts and Bonuses Parameter Maintenance - BN0301 when the Discounts and Bonuses module is deployed.

Load Discounts

When activated, it allows you to update the discounts for the order item based on the Discount Table Maintenance - CD1558.

Apply Discounts

Edit the discounts on the Grid and press this button to apply the grid discounts to the order item.

Grid with discounts

Displays discounts as defined in Discount Table Maintenance - CD1558. You can change discounts to apply to the order item. 

Save and New

Press this button to save the current record and restart to add the next one.


Press this button to save the current record and close the screen.


Closes the screen without saving changes, if any.




Financing Table

Select the financing/interest table to apply to the order. With this information the system adds the selected financing rate and generates the original price right when the sales order sequence is implemented. Initially the system displays the payment term financing table entered.


When the price type is the Price Entered, the rate for obtaining the original price is not applied and you must enter it manually.

When the payment term is a special term (blank Payment Term field on header), this field displays the default financing table, which you can set in Order Parameter Maintenance - PD0301.


Select the sequence of the financing/interest rate from the financing table. This number determines which index to apply for price correction of sales order items. Initially this field displays the financing index sequence or interest percentage according to the average payment term entered for the order.


If the company does not use price correction in credit sales, leave this field blank. That way, the program will not fix the products prices.

When the payment term is a special term (blank Payment Term field on header), this field displays the default index, which you can set in Order Parameter Maintenance - PD0301.

Average Term

Average term calculated in accordance with payment term or installments of special payment term.


Number of days to be used as a basis for setting the index.


Rate or index to be applied for the quantity of financing days.

Adjusted Value

Adjusted value considering the current value of the order and the financing index.


On this screen, register the export information pertinent to the sales order. Same information as the Export information - EX0270 program. This option is only available for export orders.



All fields are available for editing, even after you finish adding the order, including after the order is linked to the export process. If you want any changes to the order changes to affect the linked export process, first unlink the order from the process, adjust the order data and, finally, link the order to the process the characteristics of which are compatible with the new sales order data.

Once you have added and activated an order, to associate it to the correct export process, use these export module routines: Export  Export Process (EX0185) and Export Process Relationships (EX0190).


If you change any information about the import expenses on this screen, the order becomes incomplete and you need to activate it again.

When system parameters are set to generate the export process automatically, it suggests export expenses as described in the Expenses and Taxes Generation concept.

This screen is enabled when the Export module is deployed and the customer entered for the order is foreign or trading.

You can enable the Export module through the Global Parameters Maintenance - CD0101.
